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Send OTP again, We Accept all major debit and credit cards, FREE and Unlimited practice for all competitive exams Online Courses, Mock tests and more Learn and Practice, Go These release saliva that carries starch digesting enzymes. Radula well developed, palatine teeth present or absent. Cephalicaorta supplies blood to the osphradium, foot, pulmonary sac and the mantle. 2) Shell is spirally coiled round an axis called the collumella and opens outside by the mouth or aperture. (b) Bombyx is an Arthropod. Chitinous exoskeleton covers the body of cockroach (Arthropods) and calcareous shell covers the body of Pila (Molluscs). Mitochondria 4. executive, Q The heart consists of two auricles and a ventricle. MBA CET, IRMA Pila is herbivore and has a pair of strong jaws for cutting and chewing. (i) This is the second largest animal phylum. CSS Zoology Questions & Answers Set 18 with answers and explanation for placement tests, other tests etc. Answer verified by Toppr. The foot is modified into eight to ten long tentacles in the head region. Pharynx perforated by gill slits. The radula is enclosed by connective tissue sheath and contains transverse rows of teeth. ADVERTISEMENTS: 2. i. Pila is an amphibious animal and carries a single monopectinate ctenidium on the right side of the branchial chamber, separated by the epitaenidial ridge from the pulmonary chamber. Chemoreceptor in Pila is. Answer. SAT, CA True lips are absent. to Checkout, NEET 2. 9. Practice, About Head, gills and eyes are absent and radula is simple. (iii) Mouth provided with two pairs of labial palps. Body Form: The body of molluscs is un-segmented with a distinct head, muscular foot [] Two mechanisms are used in their eyes to increase sensitivity to light: the eyes are relatively large with a large lens and the light sensitive cells (rhabdoms) are grouped and connected with the same neuron. (D) Pinctada sp. It also has a belt-like radula with teeth to corrode and rasp algae from the surface of rocks. The body bears eight external rows of ciliated comb plates, which help in locomotion. 10. An osphradium, which is a chemoreceptor, is located near the left nuchal opening.. Characteristics of Class:Pelecypoda Image courtesy: Mantle is bilobed and completely encloses the body. MCQs: Miracidium is found in thr life cycle of: - Central Superior Service Test Mcqs (CSS) - CSS Zoology Questions & Answers Shell is present or absent. The body bears eight external rows of ciliated comb plates, which help in locomotion. Pila has an open type of circulatory system that consists of blood vessels, lacunae and sinuses. Respiration is by paired gills or ctenidia, one on each side. Its flesh is commonly used as prawn feed in aquaculture. Substances having identifiable function & play known role in normal physiological functions of a cell are called as :-1. Check Answer and Solution for above question from Biolog Nautilus - Tiger shell Pelecypoda Bivalvia or Lamellibranchiata - Marine/fresh water . WBJEE 2010: Radula is found in (A) Pila sp (B) Chiton sp (C) Lamellidens sp. Oesophagus also contains a pair of salivaryglands located inside the oesophageal pouches. 2 and 3 both 52. Shell - Present or absent. Pennatula is a Cnidarian. It is used for feeding. (Multivalved) Radula Present. ADVERTISEMENTS: Each transverse row contains 17 teeth having a central tooth, flanked by eight teeth on each side. 26.15), the narrow median strip of the broad anterior part is exposed to the floor of the buccal cavity and the narrow posterior portion is lodged in the radular sac. Water current enters through the left nuchal opening and passes out through the right nuchal opening in Pila. Shell-Consist of two valves Movably hinged dorsally. Examples:- Pila; Patella; Aplysia; Pila (i) Body segmented Mollusca (ii) Mouth with radula: 2: Asterias (i) Spiny skinned Echinodermata (ii) Water vascular system: 3: Sycon (i) Pore bearing Porifera (ii) Canal system: 4: Periplaneta (i) Jointed appendages Arthropoda (ii) Chitinous exoskeleton Redula-Present. The plicate edges serve as lips. Colour vision is absent; Pomacea Canaliculata is colour-blind. In the digestive system, buccal contain a scrapping radula. FREE and Unlimited practice for all competitive exams Online Courses, Mock tests and more Learn and Practice The rectum pierces the pericardium and the ventricle, and opens in the exhalant siphon. 4. Pila is a vegetable feeder and takes leaves of aquatic weeds by cutting with the jaws. sea lemon, octopus). tentancles, jaws, radula, pharynx are absent. (ii) Molluscs are terrestrial or aquatic (marine or fresh water) (iii) Organization : organ system level. Head, gills and eyes are absent and radula is simple. Presence of external shell. us, Affiliate 9. 9. Pila), internal (e.g. PHYLUM : : MOLLUSCA GENERAL CHARACTERS : Soft bodied triploblastic, bilaterally symmetrical, unsegmented schizocoelomates are - Molluscs True coelomate unsegmented soft bodied animals-Mollusca Study of mollusca - Malacology Second largest phylum - Mollusca Study of Molluscan shells - Choncology Jhonson created the name Mollusca for - Cephalopods and barnacles 4) Soft body consist of head, foot and visceral mass. A post-anal part (tail) is present. A pair of irregular digestive glands (liver) surround the stomach and the secretion of the gland is poured into the stomach by small ducts. From the pulmonary chamber the blood is collected by the efferentpulmonaryvein and taken to the auricle. Solution: The radula is a special structure in molluscs which is used to scrape and scratch the food and to create a depression in rocks which molluscs use as their habitat. (ii) Head indistinct & a radula is absent. What is the role of the radula in molluscs? Which of the following cell organelle is absent in prokaryotic cell? Pila shell is unilocular in which all the whorls are internally connected together. Jaws and radula absent. A pair of whitish buccalglands secrete mucous in the buccal cavity. Foot - Conical and use for digging. Rasping organs, radula usually present, except in pelecypoda. Respiratory and circulatory system are absent in parasitic platyhelminthes and Aschelminthes. Notochord absent. It is present in Loligo . Mouth possesses radula and jaws. So respiratory and circulatory systems are absent in these parasitic forms. hence segmentation is absent in them also. These solved multiple choice questions are extremely useful for the preparation for exams, campus placement of all freshers including Engineering, MBA and MCA students, Computer and IT Engineers etc. (ii) Molluscs are terrestrial or aquatic (marine or fresh water) (iii) Organization : organ system level. of Pila (Molluscs). Body is covered by calcareous shell that may be external (e.g. In which of the following Radula is absent ? Glandular fold of the body is called mantle or pallium. Intestine is long coiled inside the visceral mass and leads to rectum that opens by anus near the right nuchal opening. Head bears a pair of stalked eyes and two pairs of tentacles. It belongs to Cephalopoda class of mollusca. Animal Kingdom Contact Number: 9667591930 / 8527521718. Branchial chamber contains a single monopectinate gill or Ctenidium. Found in the marine environment. final, CS Central nervous system is ventral, solid and double. Program, Privacy Tutors, Free The lung is developed in terrestrial forms. This group has a well formed head bearing large eyes. (iv) Relatively sedentary or even sessile. 2. Digestive enzymes are secreted by this gland into the stomach. (Respire by mantle) Polyplacophora/ Amphineura - Marine. Haliotis, Pila. 10. Larva - Trochophore . Respiratory pigment in the blood is haemocyanin dissolved in plasma and there are blood corpuscles such as amoebocytes. professional, CS It is also used as poultry feed and also as human food in some places. The radula is a special structure in molluscs which is used to scrape and scratch the food and to create a depression in rocks which molluscs use as their habitat. It also has a belt-like radula with teeth to corrode and rasp algae from the surface of rocks. Ribosome 2. 10. Subclass Nautiloidea: 1. (c) Pleurobrachia is Ctenophore. Sepia 2. D. None of the above. A grinding structure radula is present in the buccal cavity Thin membraneous covering of the body mantle Respiration through gills Locomotary organ a mascular foot Larva Trocophore larva # CLASS_GASTROPODA A phenomenon torsion is present in which the animal body rotates at the angle of 180 Example: Pila Also from the kidneys afferentctenidial vein takes the blood to gills for oxygenation. Pila: Class :- Bivalvia Characters :-(i) Laterally compressed body enclosed within a pair of shell valves. It is anteriorly placed at about 6 mm distance from the right pseudopipodium. Loligo is a genus of squid. Fig :- Pila: Class :- Bivalvia Characters :-(i) Laterally compressed body enclosed within a pair of shell valves. Body wall: It consists of single layered epidermis which is ciliated. Heart is dorsal (if present). Did not receive the code? hence segmentation is absent in them also. 7. The radula is a special rasping structure present many molluscs. 6. Mention the phylum to which it belongs. The tegmentum is absent in Cryptochiton. (c) Pleurobrachia is Ctenophore. Body of endoparasites are covered with cuticle. Name the animal, Sea urchin Absent. Pila 4. 11. Mollusca (Mollusks) Definition Molluscs (also know as mollusks) are soft-bodied, bilaterally symmetrical, segmented, coelomate animals; usually shelled having a mantle, ventral foot, anterior head, and a dorsal visceral mass. The radula is unique to the molluscs, and is found in every class of mollusc except the bivalves, which instead use cilia, waving filaments that bring minute organisms to the mouth. Head - absent. The radula is pushed forward by muscles from behind and it works as a file by rasping food materials. Glandular fold of the body is called mantle or pallium. From the kidneys the blood is collected by renal vein and taken to auricle. A grinding structure radula is present in the buccal cavity Thin membraneous covering of the body mantle Respiration through gills Locomotary organ a mascular foot Larva Trocophore larva # CLASS_GASTROPODA A phenomenon torsion is present in which the animal body rotates at the angle of 180 Example: Pila Solution: The radula is a special structure in molluscs which is used to scrape and scratch the food and to create a depression in rocks which molluscs use as their habitat. policy, Contact Water enters the branchial chamber through the left nuchal opening and goes out through the right nuchal opening. of Pila (Molluscs). It is a minutely toothed, chitinous ribbon, which is typically used for scraping or cutting food before the food enters the esophagus. From gills the efferent ctenidial vein collects blood and carries it to the auricle of heart. A pair of whitish buccalglands secrete mucous in the buccal cavity. Phylum Mollusca (Mollusks) Characteristics They are essentially aquatic mostly marine, few freshwater and some terrestrial form. Echinus 53. ADVERTISEMENTS: In this article we will discuss about Molluscs:- 1. Pila 4. 1. The visceralaorta supplies blood to the liver, kidney and other visceral organs including the digestive system. Subclass Prosobranchia (=Streptoneura), Ex. (a) Pila is a Mollusc. Lysosome 3. Shell absent or reduced and covered by the mantle in most species. New questions in Biology. f. Pila Metanephrida. The mouth leads into a spacious saclike stomach by a short gullet. B. Ctenidium. Food is large, muscular, blade like and adapted for burrowing. 9. The radula at the posterior end enters into a radular sac which supplies new teeth to the radula. They possess well-developed head, eyes and tentacles and a large foot attached on belly. Habitat: mostly marine. slug, sea hare, sepia) and absent (e.g. Heart is made of an auricle and a ventricle, the latter gives off a cephalic aorta and a visceral aorta. 8 dorsal plates present. During aerial respiration the epitaenialridge shuts off the branchial chamber so that it does not get dried up by air. The mouth is bounded by two pairs of labial palps acting as lips. Head-Absent . Mantle cavity or pallial cavity is located between shell and visceral mass. There are numerous small lacunae in which the blood vessels end. Inter, CA slug, sea hare, sepia) and absent (e.g. What is the role of the radula in molluscs? Echinus 53. Substances having identifiable function & play known role in normal physiological functions of a cell are called as :-1. PLS MARK AS BRAINLIEST. Each transverse row contains about seven teethtwo marginals, a lateral on either side of a median rachidian tooth, giving the formula as: 2, 1, 1, 1, 2 = 7. Food that a mollusk eats is gathered up External Features of Pila Globosa: Shell of Pila: The shell of Pila globosa, as in other Gastropoda, Class GASTROPODA. 1) Pila is soft bodied animal is enclosed in a shell. Habitat: They are mostly marine. (i) This is the second largest animal phylum. Shell-Tubular, open at both end. Pila is herbivore and has a pair of strong jaws for cutting and chewing. Operculum is opened to make the foot extend out of the shell for locomotion. Two mechanisms are used in their eyes to increase sensitivity to light: the eyes are relatively large with a large lens and the light sensitive cells (rhabdoms) are grouped and connected with the same neuron. PLS MARK AS BRAINLIEST. Answer: Parasitic Plalyhelminthes and Aschelminthes lives in anaerobic condition. 1) Pila is soft bodied animal is enclosed in a shell.. 2) Shell is spirally coiled round an axis called the collumella and opens outside by the mouth or aperture.. 3) Operculum is well developed and close the aperture or the mouth of the shell.. 4) Soft body consist of head, foot and visceral mass.. 5) Foot is muscular and flat and serve for creeping. The foot is highly muscular and more or less triangular in shape. File -like rasping organ for feeding called radula is present in all molluscs,except (1)pila (2)sepia (3)Aplysia (4)pinctada Share with your friends 0 Follow 0 Ms Pavani Pahuja, Meritnation Expert added Body is covered by calcareous shell that may be external (e.g. The ventral foot is flat. General Characters of Molluscs 2. Four ctenidia, four auricles and four kidneys are present. They have a well-developed radula. The openings of the rectum, gonoducts and excretory ducts also open in the branchial chamber at the base of right nuchal lobe so that their products are expelled along with the outgoing current of water. sea lemon, octopus). Intracellular digestion also takes place inside the digestive gland by amoeboid cells. Pila, Octopus, Sepia have the radula. 3. 10. Excretion is done by nephridia and feeding by adhesive tentacles called captacula. Name the animal, which exhibits the phenomenon of bioluminescence. Answer. Hence, the correct answer is 'Rasping organ called radula- Pila, Octopus, Sepia'. In some animal groups, the body is found divided into compartments with [] (iv) Head distinct with one or two pairs of tentacles & eyes. Name the animal, which exhibits the phenomenon of bioluminescence. 1) Pila has radula and univalved shell 2) A chitellum is seen in a mature earthworm 3) Cuttle fish and devil fish have internal shells 4) Bivalves are mostly used in commercial pearl production 26. 5. 9. This species uses water bodies, rice fields and highly humid areas for breeding. (a) Pila is a Mollusc. Post-anal tail is absent. Shell is present or absent. The single opening of the shell is called peristome which is closed by a hard operculum. NCERT Exemplar Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom Multiple Choice Questions Q1. Foot - Reduced/absent. Pila respire by pulmonary sac on land and by gills in water. Mantle cavity or pallial cavity is located between shell and visceral mass. In which of the following Radula is absent ? 1. Radula is absent in. Pila is a genus of large freshwater snails with an operculum, African and Asian apple snails, aquatic gastropod mollusks in the family Ampullariidae, the apple snails. It is used to scrape and scratch the food and to create depressions in rocks used as habitat. All lacunae open into 5 major sinuses, namely, perivisceral sinus, peri-intestinal sinus, branchio-renal sinus, pulmonary sinus and the pericardial sinus. Shell is reduced or absent. Monoecious Compared to Prosobranchia: 1. Economic Importance. The body is soft, un-segmented, bilaterally symmetrical and consists of head, foot, mantle and visceral mass. Us. Digestive System of Pila; Apple Snail The digestive system of a mollusk contains the mouth, radula, stomach, intestine, visceral mass, esophagus and anus. Here we have given NCERT Exemplar Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom. The radula is an elongated structure bearing transverse rows of serrations. Colour vision is absent; Pomacea Canaliculata is colour-blind. 5. phylum mollusca basically contains the animals with shell and radula in their Bodies like octopus and pila. Subclass Prosobranchia (=Streptoneura), Ex. In Bombyx excretion takes place through malpighan tubules. What is the role of the radula in molluscs? The mouth contains a file - like rasping organ for feeding called radula. [] radula present, well developed (fig. A large brownish to greenish digestivegland, which has a larger and a smaller lobe, is present in the coils of intestine and opens into the pyloric stomach by a duct. 10. The radula is absent in Unio. An epitaenialridge divides the mantle cavity into a pulmonary and a branchial chamber as Pila is an amphibious animal. In Bombyx excretion takes place through malpighan tubules. 2. Molluscs are essentially aquatic mostly marine, few freshwater and some terrestrial forms. Sepia 2. Excretion is done by nephridia and feeding by adhesive tentacles called captacula. Chiton, Cryptochiton. The mouth is a vertical slit at the end of the snout. Examples: Octopus, Loligo, Sepia, spirula, Nautilus; Class 4 Monoplacophora. 4. Inhalation and exhalation is carried out by the muscles that surround the pulmonary sac. (ii) Head indistinct & a radula is absent. Central nervous system is dorsal, hollow and single. The foot is flat and large. (D) Pinctada sp. Thus, the correct answer is option A. Presence of a single gonad and development is direct. A. Radula. Octopus 3. Gonads are also present in the coils of intestine in the visceral mass. Constable, All foundation, CA An osphradium, which is a chemoreceptor, is located near the left nuchal opening. New questions in Biology. : organ system level. Which of the following cell organelle is absent in prokaryotic cell? Head - reduced without eyes and tentacles. C. Osphradium. 1. PG, All A trend toward reduction or loss of the Cephalopods are the supreme testament to theimpressive plasticity of the basic molluscan body plan. E.g. (Radula absent) *Octopus - Devil fish 8 arms. 16.12B) and is produced from a radular sac. Gastropoda. NCERT Exemplar Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 Animal Kingdom are part of NCERT Exemplar Class 11 Biology. For aerial respiration respiratory siphon of the pulmonary sac is thrust out of the left nuchal opening to inhale outside air into the single pulmonarysac, which is supplied with network of blood vessels. WBJEE 2010: Radula is found in (A) Pila sp (B) Chiton sp (C) Lamellidens sp. This structure is known as radula or lingual ribbon (Fig. 3. In the digestive system, buccal contain a scrapping radula. The shell is spiral in shape. (D) Phylum Ctenophora animals have eight rows of ciliated comb-plates that help in locomotion. 3. The circulatory system is open type except in cephalopods. The osphradium is a pigmented chemosensory epithelium patch in the mantle cavity present in six of the eight extant classes of molluscs (it is absent in the scaphopoda and monoplacophora; among cephalopoda, only the nautilus has what appears to be a set of osphradia), on or adjacent to the ctenidia (gills). They are found either on land or in fresh and marine water. Lysosome 3. The structure of the eye does not provide detail vision, they rather function as directional light sensors. Water current enters through the left nuchal opening and passes out through the right nuchal opening. 3) Operculum is well developed and close the aperture or the mouth of the shell. ADVERTISEMENTS: In this article we will discuss about the general characters and classification of Phylum Mollusca. Examples: Hilex (Snail), Limax (Slug), Pila (Apple snail) Class 3 Cephalopoda. They possess well-developed head, eyes and tentacles and a large foot attached on belly. Scaphopoda. 5) Foot is muscular and flat and serve for creeping. Gill slits are absent.

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