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They can find neither shield nor spear. To find out who is still loyal and if anything in his home has changed. Asks Poseidon why he is so against Odysseus. Because he would only lose six of his men rather than all of his men. The after effect of eating a lotus is it makes them lose grip of reality. At one point Antinous refuses to give Odysseus any food, and after Odysseus reprimands him for his greed, Antinous throws a stool at him. Who joins Odyseeus in his fight with the suitors? A full battle now rages in the palace hall. Poseidon. Poseidon. How many novels did Charles Dickens write? When Polyphemus asks Ulysses what his name was, what did Ulysses say? When Antinous is killed, the suitors immediately assume that. Antinous' death was by accident. Penelope says that usually Antinous struts about and shows off, but that as soon as he saw her he assumed the appearance of his own corpse, with an arrow in his neck. How does Ulysses save his crew from the Siren's song? Why does Ulysses tell Calypso that he wishes to return to Penelope? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Bk XXII:1-67 The death of Antinous . Odysseus gives them the chance to run away, but they choose to fight led by Eurymachus. What are carbon compounds with a double bond called? What sign let the suitors know that Athena was helping Odysseus? What is the name given to aliphatic compounds having only single bonds? When Ulysses reveals himself to his son, his son is in denial because_____? His crew would have panicked and endanger the ship. Athena appears disguised as Mentor and encourages Odysseus but doesnt participate immediately, preferring instead to test Odysseuss strength. Before Ulysses revealed himself to his father, what did he do? He offers them wives, cattles, and houses. Not Now. This was tyrannical of the suitors because you are suppose to eat, drink, rest, explain who you are and why you are there, and if there are no other issues go and do your own business not stay for 10 years and try to marry the queen in hopes that her husband will not come back or is dead and her son will die out at sea or will be killed by them. A blind seer who gives Ulysses advice in the Land of the Dead. questionIn what year was the Odyssey composed? Why does Ulysses only blind Polyphemus (cyclops) rather than killing him? That Ulysses will be the only one to survive and return Ithaca. In order, where did Ulysses travel to after the trojan war? (. Antinous (also Antinos, Latin: Antinous) or Antinos (Ancient Greek: , romanized: Antnos; 27 November, c. 111 before 30 October 130) was a Bithynian Greek youth and a favourite beloved of the Roman emperor Hadrian. He screamed, "Noman/Nobody is hurting me!" (Minerva = Athena) Drinking in the Great Hall, he is slain by an arrow to the throat shot by Odysseus. To what civilized people, did Ulysses tell his story of his wanderings? answer choices Antinous' dad, Eupithes, tries to stir up the suitors' families to track down Odysseus and kill him. Scylla is the giant sea monster with six heads. It was Minerva/Athena, the daughter of Jove/Jupiter. And what is the effect of eating lotus? How do Odysseus and his remaining men escape from the cave? God of the sea. Complete statement: Odysseus/Ulysses would respond to an insidious member of his crew by___________. (Neptune = Poseidon) 35 people like this. Why does Wednesday Addams toruture people? Eurymachus then tries to blame Antinous for the suitors' wrongs. Discovering that the "beggar" is Odysseus fills the suitors with When Antinous is killed, the suitors immediately assume that. (Zeus/Jove = Jupiter) What is the name of the swineherd that helped Ulysses? What do the suitors do after Odysseus kills Antinous? Tiresias, the blind prophet. According to Penelope, Antinous was the first Suitor that Odysseus shot when he returned to Ithaca, and Antinous turned into a corpse to show Penelope his contempt for her. As the suitors are Odysseuss mortal antagonists, Poseidon is his divine After Antinous is killed, the other suitors look for their weapons so that they can kill Odysseus in revenge. Which two characters provide a point of comparison for Odysseus and Telemachus? d. the "beggar" wants to marry Penelope. They are: Antinous; He is the son of Eupheithes and is the first of the suitors to die amid Odysseus return to Ithaca. (Pluto = Hades) Then he hypocritically praises Odysseus, the king he otherwise mocks and hopes to replace. Homer. Why doesnt lightning travel in a straight line? What did the suitors say would "surely" happen to Odysseus now that he had killed Antinous? When Antinous is killed, the suitors immediately assume that. Who joins Odyseeus in his fight with the suitors? The structure of the contest section is especially effective. When sulfur dioxide reacts with water droplets in the air, it forms a substance that falls back to Earth as? The other suitors do not think it right that Antinous has assaulted Odysseus (the beggar), and warn that it may be some god in disguise. The Odyssey Study Guide questionWho wrote the Odyssey? Odysseus, Telemachus, and the two servants skill everyone except Phemious and Medon. First Penelope introduces the idea, which is news to the suitors. What is Penelope supposedly weaving at the beginning of the epic? Unlike the other suitors, he is never portrayed sympathetically, and he is the first to die when Odysseus returns. It looks like your browser needs an update. Why does Tiresias tell Odysseus to take the Scylla route? Death. When Ulysses/Odysseus left Aeolus, he arrived at the island of Laestragonians. Penelope suggests moving Odysseus' bed in order to discover if he.? He blames everything on Antinous after he is killed by Odysseus, saying that the suitors are sorry for what they have done and will repay Odysseus. Antinous is the first of the suitors to be killed. What happened when the cyclops screamed for help? As the suitors are Odysseuss mortal antagonists, Poseidon is his divine The accounts of the deaths of Antinous (22.8-21) and Eurymachus (22.87-93) set the tone for the battle. Aged nursemaid who remained loyal to Penelope and Telemachus. Penelope summons the "beggar" Odysseus and questions him. Who transforms Ulysses' sailors into pigs? The cowherd, swineherd, and Telemachus join his fight. Eurymachus tries to convince him that Antinous is to blame for everything and that the other suitors shouldnt be killed. After Odysseus and his men encountered Scylla, they arrived to Thrinacia, island of the sun god's cattle. After the death of the SUITORS, Eupeithes accused Odysseus and rose in arms against him, but was killed by Laertes (Apd.Ep.7.26ff, 7.38; Hom. Where did Telemachus hide the suitors' armour? Stanley Lombardo. So, Zeus/Jupiter killed all of his men for ignoring what Tiresias had said. After the island of Cicones, Ulysses lands on the island of the lotus eaters. This study guide is based off the book, "The Odyssey" spoken by blind poet, Homer, and translated by Samuel Butler. What did the suitors first assume about Odysseus' killing of Antinous, before Odysseus revealed his true intentions? To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. The cowherd, swineherd, and Telemachus join his fight. Antinous calls for a fast ship and twenty men as he's planning to have Odysseus' son Telemachus killed. SURVEY . He wanted to know what to expect in his upcoming voyage. What are the illustrated traditions and/or cultures found in the novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude"? The two monsters that Ulysses encountered on his voyage were: What's the difference between: Scylla and Charybdis? She refuses to marry again until the dress will be finished. He thinks that only a God can do such a transformation. When Antinous is killed, the other suitors immediately assume that a. Odysseus has returned. What does Circe and the sirens have in common? Why does Odysseus lead his men into Polyphemus' cave? What happens? Q. God of the sea. What is one result of Odysseus initial exchange with the suitor Antinous? The The Penelopiad quotes below are all either spoken by The Suitors or refer to The Suitors. She was a housemaid of the family, nevertheless she became the kept woman of Eurymachus. Immediately Odysseus reveals himself and kills Antinous with an arrow. The lotus. Volleys of spears are exchanged, and Odysseus and his men kill several suitors while receiving only superficial wounds themselves. 2. What happened when Ulysses and his crew arrived in the island of cicones? There was no reason to kill the remaining suitors after Antinous, and Eurymachus were killed. How does Ulysses prove his identity to Penelope? He sends out two of his men to scout. In Book 17, for example, he gives us the most critical depiction yet of Antinous, who disgusts even the other suitors with his abuse of the disguised Odysseus. c. Antinous's death was an accident. Out of 108 suitors, three of them are considered important in telling the epic poem. Then, they were found eating the lotus, and he tied the two men up and forced them into the ship against their will and sails away. When Ulysses got back home, Minerva was disguised as a(n) _______? Odyssey. The description of Antinous' death reminds us of his gluttonous ways: "one last kick upset the table / knocking the What does Athena/Minerva do during the meeting on Mount Olympus? Who is the real beggar that wants to beat up Ulysses? Killed by Telemachus. questionHow long did it take The detailed descriptions of the battle and executions are especially effective, realistic, and thorough. What do the suitors do after Odysseus kills Antinous. How does Penelope put off her choice for a new husband? How long did it take Odysseus/Ulysses to complete his journey back to Ithaca? What describes a person in the Center/ Left/ Right of the political spectrum? Which plant makes his shipmen forget their home? They tie themselves on the goat's bellies. Antinous death was by accident. to kill Odysseus, thinking the murder was a mistake. His dismemberment also recalls the mutilation of the centaur Eurytion that Antinous describes in Book XXI. Antinous immediately feels threatened. He attacks his underlings, Eumaeus and Philoetius, a safe way for him to let out aggression. Who was the nymph that offers Ulysses immortality? The suitors look down on Odysseus/Ulysses when he first appears because they think he is .? What does Tiresias warn Odysseus/Ulysses not to harm on his voyage? Canada: Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., To spare the other suitors from death. The average student has to read dozens of books per year. The episode in which Penelope invites the old beggar to her room is important because it______? answerBlind poet, Homer. Start studying Odyssey Part 1,3,4. For example, when he chopped off the head of the begging suitor who was holding onto Odysseus knees or when he began murdering the maids that had not shown any violence or disrespect towards him. Who does Ulysses want to speak with first when he goes to the underworld? How come you can't smell fire but what it burns? For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one: ). He plans to kill Telemachus. Antinous, and the other suitors, abuse Penelopes hospitality when they stay longer than necessary, eat more than necessary, and treat the servants poorly. In Penelope's archery contest, through how many axes must Ulysses fire his arrow? Antinous - The most arrogant of Penelope's suitors. 30 seconds . What is one result of Odysseus' initial exchange with the suitor Antinous? Why did Ulysses not warn his crew about Scylla? Even though the Cyclops had been warned about Odysseus/Ulysses, he did not expect him to be so..? The Justice was good planned and powerful. What happens to the disloyal maids after they clean the blood from the great hall? Recognizing that Antinous went too far, the other suitors panic over the maltreatment of the guest, wondering what would come if it was a god: that was a crime, to strike the luckless beggar! But, the other cyclopes thought he was foolish that "no man" was hurting him and ignored his calls for help. Tags: Question 14 . Why? Antinous leads the campaign to have Telemachus killed. Community See All. Amphimedon, son of Melaneus. answer700 B.C.E. What happened when he arrived? Odysseus fell asleep and his men were starving and ate the cattle of the sun. How many signers of the Declaration of Independence became president? Trans. Another disloyal retainer to Odysseus was Melantho. Penelope summons the beggar Odysseus and questions him. Melanthius organic structure was mutilated.The suers led by Antinous and Eurymachus were finally killed. Killed by Odysseus. No one has time to read them all, but its important to go over them at least briefly. Amphinomus. (Ulysses = Odysseus) Disclaimer: The characters mentioned in this set are the Roman names of the Odyssey (names on the left are Roman names, the ones on the right are the Greek translation). His silence when Antinous confronts Ulysses. From what we see Circe do to Ulysses' men, we can assume that her pet wolves and mountains lions are . Odysseus, unnecessarily, became a type of savage, slaying the men in horrific ways. It took him 20 years; 10 years fighting in the Trojan War and 10 years finding his way back home due to his mishaps with immortal Gods. He has his men bind him to the ship's mast. Other deaths are portrayed in an ironic light, as well. Shows courtesy towards the disguised Odysseus, who warns him against staying; the warning goes unheeded, though, and he is killed along with the other suitors, though by Telemachus and not Odysseus. The cowherd, swineherd, and Telemachus join his fight. Troy, Island of the Cicones, Island of the Lotus Eaters, Island of the Cyclopes, Island of Aeolus, Island of Laestrygonians, Aeaea (Circe's island), The Underworld, Island of the Sirens, Scylla and Charybdis, Island of Helios, Ogygia (Calypso's island), Island of Phaecians, and Ithaca. How does Ulysses take advantage of the cyclops? Shows him pictures of all the monsters he killed on his journey home. What gift does Telemachus accept from Menelaus? Oh no! The Odyssey teaches a great lesson: be hospitable to others and good things will happen to you, or be unhospitable or abuse others hospitality and you will get killed. To get help from the swineherd and the cowherd, Odysseus did what? Antinous, son of Eupeithes. It is safe to assume that he dies. Which of Telemachus' actions best demonstrates his obedience to his father? She weaves a dress which she unravels during the night. His pleas do not persuade Odysseus, so he tells the suitors they will have to fight if they wish to live, and he is shot with an arrow while charging Odysseus. 37 people follow this. Who joins Odyseeus in his fight with the suitors? What is the name of the process of liquid water changing into water vapor due to heating? Because Ulysses had blinded Poseidon's son, Polyphemus. Antinous 2, son of Eupeithes, was shot dead by Odysseus. Who is the leader of the suitors? Penelope considered him to be the worst scoundrel among the SUITORS, but some say that Antinous 2 seduced her (see also Amphinomus 2 above). What happened? How is Ulysses able to listen safely to the Sirens' song? b. all of them are in grave danger. Who does Ulysses make love to on his way back to Ithaca? By informing the Cyclops of his true name and the fact that he and his men have escaped, Odysseus/Ulysses? Polyphemus was the only one who can move the boulder from the entrance. What role does the circulatory system play in cellular respiration? All the unpatriotic retainers were killed after the suers. Notes. His men raided the island and the Cicones' army attacked his crew, then Ulysses had lost six benches of his men during the battle. The suitors, still not realizing that this is Odysseus, threaten Throwing off his rags, resourceful Odysseus sprang to the wide threshold with the bow and the full quiver, poured the arrows out at his feet, and addressed the Suitors: Here is a clear end to the contest.Now Ill see if I can hit another target no man has as yet, and may Apollo grant my prayer!. (Circe = Kirke). Eurynomus, son of Aegyptius. What did Ajax do to bring disaster upon the homecoming Greek fleet? Hermes/Mercury tells Calypso to let Ulysses leave his island because ______? Odysseus enters his home dressed as a beggar in order to _____? Since the Laestragonians were cannibals, they ate all but one ship of Odysseus' men. She makes them forget about the killing of the suitors. What does Athena do when the families of the dead suitors attack Odysseus? What prophecy did Ulysses withhold from his men?

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