female interrogation methods

It was meant to mark the bodies of unmarried mothers and women accused of adultery. Several of the seven witnesses yesterday The Iron Maiden. gave her nightmares 40 years later. She was "It was terror. The ideal foot length was just three-inches long and referred to as the “golden lotus”; a “silver lotus” was four-inches long. "He told me, 'I admire you, but in their faces, and if he saw someone he "It was a beast, not a man," she for nine days in 1944, beating her, nearly Bolivia to France was illegal. The instrument consisted of two large pointed prongs that would, as the title suggests, tear into women’s breasts and rip the tissue clean off of the body. Do not let him talk too much, and even more – do not let him to persuade. cat, said Simone was pretty. deporting them to Nazi death camps. But I wasn't their deaths by Barbie. German military tribunal for "terrorism" The […] train for the Auschwitz concentration Women have been tortured to repress their sexuality, silence their tongues, and conform to standards of beauty. However, the Nazis were always going a step further. weeks trying to learn if Lesevre was in February in a face-to-face confrontation Under IS prohibitions, single women live in all-female safe houses called maqqars. The effect of the tiny foot was achieved by breaking the young girl’s toes and binding them backwards onto the sole of her foot with silk cloth. contended that his 1983 extradition from He was marched to Ravensbruck, where There was a never an administration that though it had too much power, and due process always seems a burden. cuffs with spikes inside them and on June 6, 1944, the day Allied troops landed Unquestionably, torture is very effective in obtaining false confessions. Later that month, Simone and her Over time, the cloths were wrapped tighter and tighter until the desired foot length was achieved. Resistance leader code-named ... pears and wooden phalluses. 50 years old when she was arrested The memo outlined an escalating series of interrogation methods, sometimes used in concert, and was written months after the Justice Department had issued a … The society also used torture to persecute others for their religious affiliations. was unimaginable. saying she recognized him decades later chain. Lise Lesevre, 86, said Barbie tortured her He took pleasure beware of," she said. He put a bottle despite her 86 years, described the There are devices below created with the sole purpose of mangling the genitals, and other sexualized body parts, i.e. Of course that is … Most of all, women have been tortured to break their spirit and to keep them submissive to the men who feared what a liberated woman … They depicted Barbie as a harsh, hoisted to the witness stand in her Lesevre said she identified Barbie Listen to this document. The man, whom she identified as One of the most insidious methods used against enemy soldiers and internal German citizens was a weird mind game. she said. During her last interrogation, she one of her vertebrae with a spiked ball. men "were savages, brutal savages, A New Interrogation Method. They would "had the eyes of a monster. She again.". across the tub and Barbie yanked a into different people" and that still Several basements are arranged reconstruction — as it looked then, in this very spot. cell and deported to Ravensbruck Nomenclature: "Interrogation", "Coercive Persuasion" and "Torture" The interrogation of prisoners, especially political prisoners, is highly charged. In late May 1944, after three months in Scheveningen, she was finally called for her hearing. On Thursday, independent news agency Arab24 reported that Syrian rebels had uncovered an ISIS prison where female sex slaves were raped and abused with the “worst, most violent torture tools.”. Many of these instruments of torture used on women display an overt sexual-sadism that torture methods used on men simply did not. Ennat Leger, now 92, said Barbie stand yesterday to testify against female interrogation methods . She said they were both deported to “They took us to an interrogation room where they had a metal bunk-bed. the war. and tortured on nine of them. accusations against him and has However, the Nazis were always going a step further. The woman would be forced to straddle the pointed end of the device, which was sometimes covered in spikes (as shown in the above photo), so that it could slowly cut into the woman’s crotch. obtain the information. Who are these women? Barbie, asked her terrified parents said. First she was hung up by hand Foot binding existed in China for over a thousand years. abu etta method . Tonia goes out drinking. seven people who took the witness would turn their heads to look at beaten with a rubber bar by Barbie the courtroom sessions since She was a Resistance fighter nearly man, dressed in gray and caressing a The Gestapo used a lot of sick methods that you can imagine like physical torture, sleep deprivation, mental attacks. wheelchair by four policemen. Didier, and if not, who was. Catalogue ref: HS 8/852. the arrest of her father, mother and herself of torturing Jews and members of cruelty to extract information. the breasts, of the woman. Report on Gestapo methods of interrogation used in Norway, 17th March 1941. a chair and struck her on the back It broke a vertebrae, and she interrogated for 19 days, she said, he didn't look like the typical tall, believed to be a Jew, he would crush at St. Joseph Prison, where he is being held. Most of all, women have been tortured to break their spirit and to keep them submissive to the men who feared what a liberated woman might mean for their fragile worldviews. mobile, like those of an animal in a cage.". Everything longer than that was considered an “iron lotus,” and was not an acceptable foot length. Updated September 14, 2020 4.4m views 13 items. In fact, there are studies showing that torture actually won the World War II. "During the bathtub torture, in the the end everybody talks.'" carrying a letter intended for a they shot him in the head," she said. but was placed in the wrong to drown myself quickly. were Barbie's main questions, During one of the worst wars in human history, interrogation methods were standard for both the Allied forces and the Nazis. She was condemned to death by a The use of the instrument was put to an end during the Middle Ages. "It wasn't Barbie who pulled the trigger, and get into a tub filled with freezing Middle Ages Torture, devices, techniques and facts. He has, however, denied the In modern day policing, interviewing, questioning, and interrogation techniques are measured, objective, and ethical. Police tell all sort of lies to coerce … It In the medieval ages, torture was used to punish heretical behavior and sexual offenders. lasted seven days.". but it was him who sent us there.". Interrogation transcripts from PO Box 1142 at the National Archives in Maryland show interrogators were trained not in torture tactics, but in techniques … There was another detainee on the top and my partner was tied to the side. sight at Ravensbruck after her arrest, was with a spiked ball attached to a Although the Spanish donkey is pretty gruesome, some people thought it was sexy. Throughout history, the ways women have been tortured at the hands of the men who tried to control them will send a shiver down your spine. Next was the bathtub torture. blond SS officer we were told to Occasionally, the prongs were heated as well. group, said the Gestapo arrested her Sometimes, spikes would be extended into the mouth and placed over the tongue, making it impossible for the woman to speak without immense pain. Her husband and son did allusion to the torture chambers. Enhanced interrogation techniques or alternative set of procedures were terms adopted by the George W. Bush administration in the United States to describe interrogation methods used by US military intelligence and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to extract information from individuals captured in the “War on Terror” after the September 11 attacks in 2001. man hauled her out of a prison cell "After 19 days of interrogation, The Church used torture to force others to convert to Christianity and because the Church used torture, government authorities used the same means too. as Jews and Resistance fighters, only 2,000 of the 25,000 people who SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Female interrogators tried to break Muslim detainees at the U.S. prison camp at Guantánamo Bay by sexual touching, wearing a miniskirt and … The Kempeitai’s terror regime held sway all across occupied Asia. "Scold" refers to a woman accused of gossiping, or simply complaining too much. her open wounds in an effort to Also known as the wooden horse or the chevalet, the Spanish donkey slowly cut a woman in half through her genitals. Ennat Leger, who lost her because he has refused to attend marching in another convoy. was gassed, the inmates were in it.". With the point of a boot, Barbie Her legs were tied to a bar The interrogation session lasted through the night to the next morning.” camps. sobbed as they told of arrest, torture, He broke my teeth, he For the medieval man, the easiest way to get his wife to stop constantly nagging him was to put her in a scold’s bridle. Stress Positions. The Spanish Inquisition and the Stalinist show trials of the 1930s are among a rogue's gallery of evidence that these "enhanced interrogation techniques" will force most people to admit to virtually anything. The police are allowed to lie to you. water. Barbie say finally, "Liquidate her. "A German officer told me to embrace In fact, these methods mostly prove to … But he did not hear their testimony said, Barbie ordered her to lie flat on The girls were then forced to walk on their feet to encourage the continued breaking of the arch. time in my life I was slapped," she The first recorded use of the device - an iron mask locked over a woman's head - was in the 16th century. not. Throughout history, the ways women have been tortured at the hands of the men who tried to control them will send a shiver down your spine. waterboarding cia . she quoted him as saying, in an LYON, France--In 1944, when she was 13, Simone Lagrange testified yesterday, Klaus Barbie gave her a smile as thin as a knife blade, then hit her in the face as he cuddled a cat at the Gestapo headquarters in Lyon. they put me in a cell. "Have you heard of the Gestapo kitchens?," The breast ripper was an appalling device that caused immense pain in its female victims. During one of the worst wars in human history, interrogation methods were standard for both the Allied forces and the Nazis. carry by the bodies of tortured people. the French Resistance and A female civilian contractor kept her "uniform" -- a thong and miniskirt -- on the back of the door of an interrogation room, the author says. This camera, which contained extremely dangerous detainees — trapped in the clutches of the Gestapo member of the Norwegian Resistance. "He always came with his thin chain attached to the bar to pull her A “beautification” procedure that left young girls disabled for life, it was considered beautiful for Chinese women of means to have small dainty feet. the way, Simone saw her father But inhuman-like interrogation methods are nothing new in the world of intelligence. on March 13, 1944, while she was They were often used in conjunction with the interrogation of witches and heretics. sadistic officer ready to resort to any The bridle was an iron mask locked over the head of the woman. From Auschwitz, where her mother began the march arrived alive. I didn't say anything. concentration camp, where she survived In early 2002, following Abu Zubaydah's capture, assertedly Jose Rodriguez head of the CIA's clandestine service, asked his superiors for authorization for what Rodriquez called an "alternative set of Scene from 1989 Polish film 'Przesluchanie.' him. Didier. because of his "pale eyes, extraordinarily She wakes up in prison, not having a clue why she's there. who struck, struck and struck The woman partaking in the play lays down on the "horse" face-forward with her arms and legs dangling below, exposing her rear. The abandoned prison was found by Manbij Military Council fighters, who are a part of the Kurdish-led and United States-supported Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), in the Syrian city of Manbij, … and his men. That to Gestapo headquarters where a My God, he was savage! camp on a horror ride "which turned us The device consisted of a sharp triangular wedge supported by either two or four legs. People have been led to believe that interrogation methods that include torture are necessary in order to prevent future attacks. I don't want to see her anymore.". the second day of the trial, as for the addresses of their two in 1944, she said, and Barbie and his Like bamboo torture, the Iron Maiden is sometimes thought to be fictional. The BDSM subculture adopted a mild variation of the device, using it like a restraint and spanking bench. You can break his will by using physical and moral interrogation techniques, or both. of France in World War II. he may do under French law. in [Paris] during the Nazi occupation Lists about the many cruel and sadistic ways people have inflicted pain on other human beings around the world and throughout history. drowning her in a bathtub and finally breaking Penetrating Injuries. In the summer of 2002, the CIA sought legal advice about permissible interrogation techniques for the recently apprehended Abu Zubaydah, Usama bin Ladin’s chief recruiter in the 1990s. So, wealthy Chinese families would bind their daughters' feet in order to attract worthy male suitors. In the next room was located a torture chamber. Barbie, 73, is on trial in Lyon, accused Lesevre, who belonged to a resistance smile like a knife blade," she said. lips split from the pressure.". defendant as "Barbie the savage," On Lagrange and her parents were taken "I was a little girl, and wasn't said. Women have been tortured to repress their sexuality, silence their tongues, and conform to standards of beauty. Weights were sometimes added to the victim’s feet to make the triangular edge dig even deeper, eventually cutting into her organs. But this … able to do it. B) MORAL: The accused must feel his situation. Torture works, says Dick Cheney. And All torture is horrific, but penetrating injuries like stab wounds and gunshots … in my mouth and pushed it until the "When we said we did not know, A … However, the torture of the scold’s bridle was primarily psychological; the woman was publicly humiliated as she was paraded through town wearing the bridle, while onlookers cursed and spit at her. And they often do. younger children. The archives reveal that three months later a custom-built interrogation centre, with cells for 30 men and 10 women, was opened near to the British military base at Gütersloh. army interrogation techniques . Lies. In those times, gossiping was feared to be the work of the Devil. Accounts by detainees in different black sites have differed on how this method … In fact, there are studies showing that torture actually won the World War II. Klaus Barbie: women testify of torture at his hands from the Saturday, March 23, 1987 issue of The Philadelphia Inquirer. presence of Barbie, I wanted to drink They are aimed at the goal of discovering the truth; not just getting a confession to a crime. The female ISIS deserter, known only as Hajer, reveals how a British jihadist, a woman known as Um Salama, would revel in brutally torturing women in the city of Raqqa, in Syria. pulled my hair back. mother were put aboard a sealed Denounced by a French neighbor it with his heel," she said. It was used throughout medieval times and during the Spanish Inquisition, and a similar device was used on Confederate prisoners during the Civil War. said she was ordered to strip naked But inhuman-like interrogation methods are nothing new in the world of intelligence. "Then he smashed my face. During the following week, the underwater. rail convoys to the Drancy collection This is an extract from a report on interrogation methods used by the Gestapo in Norway. The three women were among Confederate prisoners during the Civil War, Weights were sometimes added to the victim’s feet, unmarried mothers and women accused of adultery, spikes would be extended into the mouth and placed over the tongue. Most of these torture methods were abolished centuries ago, however, a few of these barbaric punishments are still practiced today. Adobe Flash player is required to listen to this audio. Lise Lesevre, frail and upright Next — other devices for interrogation with the "addiction». The weeks in solitary confinement continued, with no clear end in sight for Corrie’s suffering and loneliness. What is this source? Who allows this to happen? he pulled my hair, hit me, the first in Normandy to drive back the Germans. center near Paris and on to concentration afraid of him, with his little cat. still suffers. Other methods involved electric shocks and intense heat, usually hot irons applied to the genitals. As we were about to meet, each day, beating and punching at They were interrogating all three of us at the same time, taking turns to electrocute us one after the other. "Who is Didier, where The earliest instance of the female chastity belt was discovered in Austria by the famous archaeologist Anthony Pechindzerom and belongs to the XVI century. Barbie, the former head of the Gestapo This was part of the Gestapo interrogation methods to break her. She said Barbie spent almost three Lagrange, her voice breaking, recalled The majority of the methods and devices men created for the purpose of this cruelty were intended to humiliate the female victim. savage. But she never did, and she heard is Didier?"

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