hmh science dimensions earth and space science answers

Calculate the amount, in South African rand that she received. If the total fuel sold that month was 900,000 litres, find the dealer’s profit for the month. The distance s metres from a fixed point O, covered by a particle after t seconds is given by the equation; a) Calculate the gradient to the curve at t=0.5 seconds                          (3mks), b) Determine the values of s at the maximum and minimum turning points of the curve. The cost of fuel was Kshs 1500 per day. An angle 0f 1.8 radians at the centre of a circle subtends an area of length 23.4 cm, a) The radius of the circle                                                                       (2mks), b) The area of the sector enclosed by the arc and the radii. She then invested the money in share. A solid metal sphere of radius 4.2 cm was melted and the molten material used to make a cube. He paid a deposit of 25% of the hire purchase price and cleared the balance by equal monthly installments of Kshs 2625. (b)        If each face is an equilateral triangle of side 5cm, find the surface area of the solid. (b)        (i)         In the year 2002 the price of each sofa set increased by 25% while, the number  of sets sold decreased by 10%. (b)        Nangila further invested Kshs 25,000 into the business at the beginning of the second year. Review Student Activity Answers (Teacher) More Info > ... Earth Science ©2010. The position vectors for points P and Q are 4 I + 3 j + 6 j + 6 k respectively. The company is to install not less than 3 type of A machine, The number of type B machines must be more than one third the number of type A machines, The shaded region below represents a forest. Point C is 50 km on a bearing of 560, In the figure below, a line XY and three point A,B and C are as given. Baskets B contains 18 oranges and 15 lemons. (b) What is the total value of the second digit? Four farmers took their goats to a market. OT =25 cm. (c)        The price of beans later went up by 5% and that of maize remained constant. Line BC below is a side of a triangle ABC and also a side of a parallelogram BCDE. Wainaina has two dairy farms A and B. Its speed was recorded as shown in the table below, (a) The gradient function of a curve is given  by, ii) Equation of the tangent to the curve at {1, –, The diagram below shows a straight line intersecting the curve y = (x-1). A point T is such that the vector OT, QP and QR satisfy the vector equation OT = QP ½ QT. Calculate the depth of juice in each container. Find the equation of the curve, given that y = 3, when x = 2. The total area of the garden and the paths is 168 m. A cylindrical solid of radius 5 cm and length 12 cm floats lengthwise in water to a depth of 2.5 cm as shown in the figure below. When a solid is submerged into the water, the water level rises by 1.2 cm. Calculate the total income from the matatu. (i)         The area of the hexagonal face                                                           (3mks), (ii)        The volume of the metal bar                                                               (2mks), (a)        Find the capacity of the water tank in litres, (b)        Six members of family use 15 litres each per day. (b) Use the trapezoidal rule with six strips to estimate the area enclosed by the, curve, x = axis and the line x = 2 and x = 8                                        (3mks), (c) Find the exact area of the region given in (b)                                      (3mks), (d) If the trapezoidal rule is used to estimate the area under the curve between. Unfortunately a financial crisis arose and the money had to be converted to Kenya shillings. Hence determine the probability of getting: (b)        During a certain motor rally it is predicted that the weather will be either dry (D) or wet (W). Using a ruler and a pair of compasses only; The position vectors of points A and B are -1        and       -6    respectively. He sold 8 packets and then reduced the price by 10% in order to attract customers. Odawa contributed. The figure below represents a rectangle PQRS inscribed in a circle centre 0 and radius 17 cm. 6-8 PMT Pathway to Implementation, GO Math! Determine the position of C, Take the value π of as 22/7 and radius of the earth as 6370 km, (a)        Calculate the distance covered by the plane, in nautical miles. AX = 6 cm, CT = 8 cm, BX = 4.8 cm and XD = 5 cm. Find the value of x which satisfies the equation. In the next 3 years, the value of the shares appreciated at the rate of 6% every four months, a) Calculate the amount Halima invested in shares. Using a scale of 1 cm to represent 10 km, make a scale drawing showing the relative position of A, B D  and P. (ii)        The bearing of the submarine from the ship when the ship was setting off from B, (iii)       The baring of the island P from D, (iv)       The distance the submarine had to cover to reach the island, Draw the net of the prism                                                                   ( 3 marks), (a)        Draw a net of the pyramid                                                      ( 2 marks), (b)        On the net drawn, measure the height of a triangular face from the top of, the Pyramid                                                                             ( 1 mark), (b)        On the diagram drawn, construct a circle which touches all the sides of the pentagon                                                                                 ( 2 marks), (b)        Find the surface area of the solid. The Bodleian Libraries at the University of Oxford is the largest university library system in the United Kingdom. Akinyi bought three cups and four spoons for Kshs 324. (ii)        Three butchers bought all the goats and shared them equally. a) Draw the rhombus on the grid provided below. They shared 12% of the profit equally and the remainder in the ratio of their contributions. Calculate the total amount of money received by Diba. Calculate the number of days a full tank would now last the family, (iii)       The mass of cement to be used, (b)        If one bag of cement is 50kg. (a)        Calculate the total income tax. Whereas Odupoy had 10 goats less than both Mohamed and Koech. Its external diameter is 11 cm and has a thickness of 1 cm. Thirty per cent of the population was in the age group 15 – 40 years. A bag contains blue, green and red pens of the same type in the ratio 8:2:5 respectively. If the curve passes through the point (-4, 6); A particle moves in a straight line through a point P. Its velocity v m/s is given by v= 2 -t, where t is time in seconds, after passing P. The distance s of the particle from P when t = 2 is 5 metres. The repayment amounted to Kshs 21,000 per month. Complete the probability tree diagram given below. , formerly published by Scholastic, now comes to you from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt™. The circles touch each other at point Q. (c)        In order to solve graphically the equation 2x2 +x -5 =0, a straight line must be drawn to intersect the curve y = 2x2 + 4x – 3. If she was to make a profit of 30% what should be the selling price of 1 kg of the mixture? In this brilliant sequel to The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O.—an enthralling, history-bending adventure traversing time and space, fact and fiction, magic and science co-written with #1 New York Times bestselling author Neal Stephenson—a daring young time traveler must return to Jacobean England to save the modern world. Find how old the mother was, when the son was born. The actual area  of the ranch  is 1075 hectares, The figure below shows an octagon obtained by cutting off four congruent triangles from a rectangle  measuring 19.5 by 16.5 cm, The length of a hollow cylindrical pipe is 6 metres. (a)        The distance between the two towns in. A is twice as likely to win as B while B is twice as likely to win as c. Find the probability that. Find the number of ten shilling coins that Mary has. (b)        Use the scale drawing to find the distance between the two aeroplane after 40 minutes. Calculate the depths of juice in each container. 1500. A passenger notices that she had forgotten her bag in a bus 12 minutes after the bus had left. The histogram below represents the distribution of marks obtained in a test. b) Find the area of triangle ABD, given that AB = AC. What remained were six bags more than what the green grocer received. In the following week, he bought 28 bicycles and 24 radios for a total of Kshs 174 960. sued for cooking and washing and a further 60 litrese are wasted. A certain hospital received a quarter of the total number of bags. Horizontal axis 2cm for 1 unit and vertical axis 2cm for 5 units. (c)        If p is increased by 10% and r is decreased by 10%, find; (i)         A simplified expression for the change in q in terms of p and r, (ii)        The percentage change in q. S flies on a bearing of 060 at 750 km/h while T flies on a bearing of 210. In the figure below, PQR is an equilateral triangle of side 6 cm. (a) Let x be the number of computer bought. W.A    = 68:32            = 17:8, Alcohol           = 8/25 x 5        = 8/5, Area of two semi circular ends = ½ πr2 x 2 = 55.44 cm2, (b)        Mass = 72. How much money did the owner receive from the sale of his car? Calculate the number of days a full tank would now last the family. Find the number of ten shillings coins that Mary has. 72. [ivory-search id=”14715″ title=”Default Search Form”]. In the figure below BAD and CBD are right angled triangles. This show has work by Roger … (a)        (i)         Draw the image A’B’C’D of ABCD under a rotation of 900, (ii)        Draw the image of A”B”C”D” of A’B’C’D’ under a reflection in. TSC issues new guidelines for teachers seeking services at the Headquarters... Mogaka and Onduso together can do a piece of work in 6 days. Each piece of soap is a similar to the container. In the figure below, OQ = q and OR = r. Point X divides OQ in the ratio 1: 2 and Y divides OR in the ratio 3: 4 lines XR and YQ intersect at E. Vector q has a magnitude of 7 and is parallel to vector p. Given that, In the figure below, OA = 3i + 3j ABD OB = 8i – j. and BAF =- CDE = 1200. The cash price of a T.V set is Kshs 13, 800. Three people Odawa, Mliwa and Amina contributed money to purchase a flour mill. It changed the money to sterling pounds. Type X can carry 64 passengers and type Y can carry 48 passengers. If the linear scale factor between the container and the soap is. 200 and each day traveling by bus will cost Kshs. The table shows the number of bags of sugar per week and their moving averages, Using ruler and compasses only, construct a parallelogram ABCD such that AB = 10cm, BC = 7 cm and < ABC = 105, Use ruler and compasses only in this question. The ratio of beans to maize. If the distance between Mombasa and Nairobi is 500 km, Determine. Determine the probability that he wins in the fifth round. The figure below represents a triangular prism. Two variables A and B are such that A varies partly as B and partly as the square root of B given that A=30, when B=9 and A=16 when B=14, find A when B=36. (ii) The total cost of the slabs used to cover the whole path, Calculate the area of the curved surface of the solid in contact with water, correct to 4 significant figures. Mogaka, working alone, takes 5 days longer than Onduso. The search engine that helps you find exactly what you're looking for. (ii)        The probability that a calf picked at random has a mass lying between 25 kg and 28 kg. A minibus left A at 8.15 a.m and traveled towards B at an average speed of 90 km/hr. Calculate the volume in cm, The figure below represents a hexagon of side 5 cm and 20 cm height, A cylindrical piece of wood of radius 4.2 cm and length 150 cm is cut length into. Write down in terms of x and y all the linear inequalities representing the information above. of potatoes with mass of 53 to 68g = 40 – 28 = 12, (b)        Construction of 1 at B and at A construction of 450 or 1350 to get 67  ½ 0 at B construction of 1 Bisector of AB  identification of AB identification of Ä the centre O. 1 3     3   1      –         3   1     =          p  0, (a) C.d = 64800 – 60000 = 69600 – 64800 = 4800, (a) (i)         Vol = 135 x 0.15 = 20.25m, (a) (i)         Fraction filled in hr (P & Q), A      B         C           A’      B’        C’, (a) (i) a    b               2   5     =          -4   -1, (a) PR = 0   -1                a    b    =    -c   -d, 3.55 ± 0.05, 4.85 ± 0.05, 5.7, 6.3, 6.7 & 6.9, Distance = 5/12 {2.6 + 2(2.1 + 5.3 + 5.1 + 6.8 + 6.7+4.7)}, The sum of angles of a triangle is given by the expression (2a + b). Two baskets A and B each contains a mixture of oranges and lemons. (ii)        (a)        a= log-1 0.3 = 2.000, (b)        (i)         8    14      b      = 47600, (ii)  -8/3    7/3                  8   14               b          =          -8/3   7/3             47600, 5/3   -4/3                  10  16              m                     5/3     -4/3           57400, (c)        New price of beans  = 105/100 x 3500 x 5, 0    1       2       4          1     =     1        1         6, -1   0       1       1          6          -2        -4         -1, (ii) A” (1, 2) B (7, -2) C”(5, -4) D”(3, -4), (b) A” (-1, 2) B” (-7, -2) C”(-5, -4) D”(-3, 4), c    d               3   3                 3     3, (b)        0  1                 1   -2    =          0   1, 1   0                 0    1                1   -2, -1   0               c   d           -1    -b, -c   -d               2   2   4     =      0     -4    -4, -a    -b              0   4   4            -2  -10    -12, (b) 1     2          2    2    4          2     10   12, 0    1          0    4    4          0      4    4, X – axis invariant and j(0, 1)  →  j (2, 1), (b)        (i)         Upper quartile = 90, (b)        (i)         fx 2: 324, 1008, 2475, 4860, 3528, 2880, (ii)        Reading at mass 25 – 28 = 11 and 20, Lower quartile = 1.95 + 1x 4/14 = 2.236 (2.24), Inter quartile range = 3.95 – 2.236 = 1.714, (b)        x          f           dx –a   fd        fd2, 1.45     6          -2         -12       24, 2.45     14        -1         -14       14, 3.45     10        0          0          0, 4.45     7          1          7          7, 5.45     2          2          4          8, 6.45     1          3          3          9, (b)       (i)         Position of 60th percentile = 60 x 50, (ii)        No. Come and visit our site, already thousands of classified ads await you ... What are you waiting for? Calculate the distance between them when the faster athlete is at the finishing line.

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