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Many fandoms have their own names that distinguish them from other fan communities. It's just a shame that his goal is the subjugation of humanity by dragons. The Prophet of Truth is a blackmailer. Haven being betrayed by his best friend Chess, who was a mole for Lord Vetch all along, Athelion being killed and Haven being chained on a rock alongside Athelion's lifeless body for all eternity, leaving Vetch free to conquer te rest of the galaxy. That is, until the City Elf. One of his frequent "elections" simply gave the population the choice of either King Steve as supreme ruler, or to get a sword in the head. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Black Tooth, a Simba (werelion) king among the Bastet, was a brutal ruler who waged a genocidal campaign against the Ajaba (werehyenas). Maybe the show was Screwed by the Network and was canceled before any of the questions it raised could be answered. Examples and Reasons: Gainax Ending (It's completely out of left field). By having said queen, Charlotte Linlin AKA Big Mom, be a, The 1994 story "The Great Pretender" (the first in a miniseries of, He also exhibits some of these characteristics in the, Subverted however with the version of Judge Cal who shows up in "Helter Skelter". Stream It Or Skip It: 'Modern Persuasion' on Hulu, A New York Rom-Com That Reimagines The Jane Austen Classic Stream It Or Skip It: 'Monday' On VOD, A Sexy Summer Romance Starring Sebastian Stan Elsewhere was one of the first television series to do this, ending with an All Just a Dream revelation. Netflix has just dropped the final half of the story in the shape of Season 2! Examples can go on the work's YMMV tab. See here for all the details.). Because it was fun! The plot is about how he gets better and learns to be less selfish. Among all the possible rulers, Sergey Taboritsky has everyone beat out in terms of pure madness, which what looks like crippling schizophrenia and general psychosis. Most members of the Houses are known for being paranoid, sadistic and power hungry, and Stefan is the universe's equivalent of Hitler. ", "It was great when it started, but the last couple of seasons never happened", "The movie was actually pretty good until the ending ruined it", and so on. While her most trusted knights believed she was a good king, her apparent. He meets his end when he finally take control of an Atavus ship that has been dormant for milenia and. Communicating effectively is key in this game, especially when you are in a support role. Best line: “I’ve got a competition in me.” The Shootist. And now it has comics wrapping things up even tighter, including wrapping up the series-long plot point of Rygel wanting to take his throne back from his traitorous cousin (never done on the show because making and operating so many Hynerian puppets would have been impossible). decorating the entire palace in hot pink and electric purple! the show's world possibly being destroyed, and all of its beloved inhabitants along with it. Underwear will be worn on the outside so we can check. Homicidal Lord Winder turned Ankh-Morpork into a police state out of paranoia. Executive Vice President of Talent and Permanent General Manager of Raw and Smackdown. literally tickle all the good guys to death, he actually participates in (and always wins) the daily races, reasons with Ralph and explains his point of view. Maybe the overall experience would have more than compensated for any supposed deficiencies of the ending, but the potential viewer has been scared off. Maybe it was the first part of a series left unfinished by the now-deceased or bored author, leaving the long epic unfinished. In a hereditary monarchy, every so often the throne is inherited by someone completely out of their gourd. In addition to that, all citizens will be required to change their underwear every half-hour. If this theory is correct, that explained why they found Yohan's shoes covered with blood which matched with the unidentified man found in the sea. Of course, any number of things might trigger their rage, and they might even decide on a whim to punish those who have not done anything at all. Said game is considered canon to the show, Woody leaves Bonnie, as well as Buzz Lightyear and all his other longtime toy friends, for a new life as a "lost toy" with Bo Peep and her. The Barrayaran Empire had a Mad Emperor Yuri about a generation before the Vorkosigan series starts. the ending had the most powerful gods decide to finally take down the enemy by going back in time and rendering said enemy infertile. He is responsible for a civil war because he wanted to see Ned Stark's head cut off. How could this go wrong? Reman was also an incredibly skilled and successful leader, typically leaves out or whitewashes his negative traits, he orchestrated a plague that wiped out a large amount of his country's population, it still has its own army and a lot of political influence throughout Fodlan's culture, flee from Fodlan if they are spared in battle, pretty much everyone in Outworld is sick of him. Hearing about all these things makes many people very wary. She proceeds to go apeshit over being wounded in combat, so her first response is to, In fact, most of the occurrences in the blog are simply him hallucinating after his defeat at the hooves of the mane six, which reduced him to a horn (Coffee Talk is trapped with him). Ashi wouldn't have existed in the future, because Aku was killed, but she was the one who brought Jack back to the past. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. It's mentioned that the Grey Wardens were originally exiled from Ferelden after a failed coup lead by Warden-Commander Sophia Dryden against King Arland when the other nobles begged her to depose him for being completely out of his mind. Went on a drunken road trip in his new Toyota Hybrid and end up trashing it less than 24 hours after getting it. Fear, Loathing and Gumbo on the Campaign Trail '72, Piecing Together the Ashes: Reconstructing the Old World Order, always blamed his shortcomings on other people, all evidence of his term stricken from the national record, move from place to place in a silly manner, Emperor Ganishka, who is literally a demon and has an ego so big that he attempts to defy God. The post-credit scene shows he was deposed by revolutionaries. ", "It was better when all the mysteries were still up in the air. As bad as Zo'or was, he was downright restrained when comapred to Howlyn, the main antagonist from Season 5. He's also a, The Prophet of Regret is hot-headed, stubborn, and impetuous; the only thing he, The Prophet of Mercy is a merciless fanatic who himself. He, They also tried to kill their best invader just for, In her second appearance in "Magic Duel", the Great and Powerful Trixie becomes this thanks to an, Straxus from the comics is even worse. Karl Tanner's reign at Craster's Keep involves a great deal of violence and debauchery. The most infamous of them all is Stefan Amaris of House Amaris, who instigated the Amaris Coup and brought an end to the Star League. Ironically, if Joffrey's father actually was who he says he was, then Joffrey would be distantly related to Aerys, Of Aerys's children, his son Rhaegar was a, He's not the king, but Robert Arryn, a six-year-old who still literally suckles his mother's teat and likes to watch ", Urgit does seem a bit unstable at first, though more flippant than bloodthirsty, but that is because he is very well aware of the 'all reliably go insane before late middle age' rule. He's from an, One character defeated by the villainous Queen Chrysalis in the, While Rupert Chill is stated to be the ruler of, On the other hand Commander Sullamander, Hurricane's predecessor was less the humorous type and more the savage dictator type, who in her last years formed a, Beelzebub is a more straight example; though he isn't a monarch, his, The Alternate Universe version of Biff Tannen in, The Roman Emperor Commodus as depicted in, Harold Shand, the anti-hero of the classic 1980 British gangster movie, King Aerys II "The Mad" Targaryen was the worst king that Westeros ever had, and a powerful 300-year old dynasty was overthrown because of his insane actions. his sister was killed, he's striving for an age of lifeless beings, thus misinterpreting his sister's wish of a world freed of discrimination and tyrannizing the world. He suffered from extreme weight and. An example from the series' backstory is Reman Cyrodiil, Another backstory example is Emperor Pelagius the Mad. Except the ghost monster. 22:50 Language: Korean Country: South Korea Plot Synopsis by AsianWiki Staff © The people who were reading for the exploration of ambiguous gender, who thought that the revelation that Mashiro's gender ambiguity is because they are actually fraternal twin foetuses sharing a mind meant that the situation was either reactionary in implication, or too fantastic to have any possible real-world relevance. Shares an incestuous relationship with his daughter Zelda. Anyone remember a little drama called Love Alarm? A brutish, unrepentant rapist and murder who's allowed to get away with terrorising the Elves in Denerim due to being the son of the local Arl. If the Aryan Brotherhood are the ones to unify Russia, it can result in a coup where, Emperor Vorios the False, AKA the Mad Emperor from, Lord Dimwit Flathead, the most well-known (and infamous) ruler of the Great Underground Empire in the, Saber's kingdom collapsed because of this popular perception of her. after sabotaging Copy X Mk. Triple H during the McMahon-Helmsley era, later during the, There is a new Caligula in town; his name is, Lord Konda, emperor of the greatest nation of, More than a few planetary lords probably fit into this category, but special mention must be made of High Lord Goge Vandire, who in the 36th millennium managed to take control of both the. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from Bonus points for. either Madara Uchiha or Tobi/Obito was mind controlling him the entire time, starts indiscriminately murdering people and having their corpses dumped in the Sinners' Valley, refusing to given his dead wife the position of queen, said clones were being sabotaged by one of his guards to genetically break down, and are planning on quietly assassinating him the first chance they get, leads his army (most of which is composed of. Now, of course, someone could make an attempt to keep watching it for as long as they liked it, then turn it off when they didn't. Do you know what it feels like to determine another man's fate? Since the unidentified man was not Dr. Lee, I guess the man was a random psychopath that Yohan killed with the assistant of Dr. Lee. returning Final Fantasy characters who were absent in the main game, the person you were trying to save the whole game die, disappears due to Aku (her father) being destroyed before she was conceived. With any luck, thanks to The Starscream and/or La Résistance, a conspiracy will eventually develop to remove the crazy sovereign from his post... permanently. ", "I killed them because I could. Ice King skirts around this as his status as crazy ruler of the ice kingdom started being undercut by his transition to, King of Ooo, after he usurped the Candy Kingdom throne from Princess Bubblegum, was this in spades. No one wants to spend dozens of hours dedicating themselves to something that will leave them slowly disappointed. Just before his death, he obliterates the People's Republic of China in a brutal war, complete with nuclear weapons and poison gas. King Joffrey is an inbred sadist and an idiot who quickly shapes up into this after taking the throne and publicly murders babies and tortures/kills prostitutes and then wonders why everyone hates him even though he's their king. Oldboy is a unique movie worth watching. Romano Liao was known for her bloody purges and assassinations out of spite. what made the Striders give Hiryu the mission to eliminate Grandmaster Meio in the first place. Especially gunslingers. They may be a sexual deviant, or they might take pleasure in the pain and suffering they cause. I wouldn't say entirely no context, but really so much important questions were not answered. Drama: Tale of the Nine Tailed (English title) / Tale of The Nine-Tailed Fox (literal title) Revised romanization: Gumihodyeon Hangul: 구미호뎐 Director: Kang Shin-Hyo Writer: Han Woo-Ri Network: tvN Episodes: 16 Release Date: October 7 - December 3, 2020 Runtime: Wed. & Thu. To make matters worse, he did the same thing in the standalone novel, While the ending is a foregone conclusion what with it being a part of history, the ending to, Although some watchers feel OK about the ending of the Korean movie, Three years after the series ended, Adult Swim Games and Genndy Tartakovsky released, While an unsatisfying winner can taint a season of. If a work is avoided because of a Downer Ending, that is Angst Aversion. Saber tried to become the perfect king, ruling fairly and without hesitation while mercilessly crushing any enemy, even if it required the sacrifice of some villages. Due to their continuing close proximity to the Caligula, members of the court (decadent or otherwise) will be the primary targets of their fits of rage. Continuing will only bring misery and pain. drowns in his own bath due to a heart attack, in control of a micronation, submarines and his mercenaries, making it possibly the oldest speed-metal song, orders the death of all girls with green hair. In reality, King Candy is actually Turbo, an arrogant racer from the '80s arcade game, though it turns out his executioners are rebels and everyone he has ordered killed is alive and living in New York. Even when his own sister — temporarily resurrected — tells him how wrong his plans are, he refuses to listen, thinking she's rejecting him, and simply goes, this number gets reduced to only about 30 survivors who manage to hide in Triss', and eventually win the war if he isn't assassinated, is the last survivor of the Nanaya clan, kidnapped and mind-wiped into being a member of the Tohno after Makihisa killed the rest of them and only spared the boy out on a whim because of amusement that he shared a name with his son, they'll be executed on the spot for defying her authority. The next step down is The Brigadier. You end up in a logic loop of "If Ashi exists, Jack erases Ashi's existence, but if Ashi doesn't exist, Jack can't erase Ashi's existence, allowing Ashi to exist. All because she staged an assassination attempt on the previous queen to frame a renowned lawyer and, was part of a plot to kill her own mother, and was the one who sealed the deal by sealing her in her throne room to die, and covered it up by using a, found an entire rebel group of demon summoners to assault her capital so she and her sisters could inherit the throne from their less-than-supportive mother, At first, she presents herself as peaceful tyrant... but then she gets one order disobeyed and gets stabbed. It's not so much that she's crazy like Kharla so much as, A better example of this trope, oddly enough, is the Grand Highblood, Gamzee's Ancestor, who brutally terrorizes the other, lower land-dwelling castes through capricious homicide and psychic nightmares in the name of his, The biggest Caligula so far is Her Imperious Condescension, who in her home universe spent her time flying to new civilizations and meeting with them peacefully before blasting them to smithereens. He blackmailed the other two into taking power alongside him and blackmailed his way into power in the first place. any of the questions it raised could be answered, as time went on, the story collected so many elements, in-universe material taking place later in continuity, all the mysteries were still up in the air, Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon, casually decides to return to Earth forever anyway. And when the clock strikes twelve, he finds himself scribbling pure gibberish, shivering in the corner of his room, only to be struck dead by a vision of his Tsar returning, only to turn into a pile of bloodied bones that he just cannot deny; his Tsar is dead, and in being forced to realize it, he outright drops dead. For most of the Academy phase, Dimitri starts off with personality traits similar to classic, because he always disliked Regret and uses the assassination to gain more power. He also. An exceptionally bad Cruel Twist Ending and/or Esoteric Happy Ending can also be the cause. Nobody within reach is safe from them, whether they be nobles, servants, bureaucrats, foreign ambassadors, or even members of their own family. This is not limited to sovereign heads of state. Like what Korean viewers are saying "W's ending has no context". However, the vast majority of Winter's troops are stationed at the Outer Gates, where they are constantly holding off a siege by the, Katniss chooses to assassinate her when she is supposed to kill President Snow, At least some of the weirdness is the result of his being under the control of. What really sealed it, though, was telling everyone over the loudspeaker his plan to leave them all to be destroyed by the Buster Call while he hightailed it to a safe distance. The way they feared me? The show has also aired on 3net at 10:30 am on Sundays, and The CW's Saturday morning block, Vortexx, from July 13, 2013 at 8:30 a.m. These names are popular with singers, music bands, films, television shows, books, games, sports teams, and celebrities.Some of the terms are coined by fans while others are created by celebrities themselves. Subverted with King Richard the IV in series I; while very crazy and. And if he reunifies Russia, it gets worse as the strain of having to deny reality's increasing pressure on his government drives him to greater, hallucinating depths of craziness, all represented by a ticking clock. In short, they will be a Psychopathic Manchild with the power of life or death over everyone whom they can reach. If you would prefer the anime to have a happy end, consider stopping here and pretending there are no more episodes. Task & Purpose provides military news, culture, and analysis by and for the military and veterans community. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. King George III gets the same treatment in series III. Shot Link in the gut when asked if he (Link) could play his (King), Responded to one of Link's practical jokes using bazookas (that shot out hamburgers), missiles and a. Katherine Steiner-Davion more or less single-handedly caused the fall of the Federated Commonwealth a single generation after her parents's, Brett Andrews of the Steel Vipers is an elected example.

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