mind flayer aboleth

“They usually live in colonies, not by themselves. Elder brains grudgingly accepted the appearance of a potential rival, because eventually the ulitharid broke off from the colony. Possibly changed due to Duffer Brother knowledge rather than what would actually have been available at the time. ... It’s the Aboleths who think that all other races are inferior to the Aboleth… ( Log Out /  A Dracolich could be pretty fun. [2], The illithid race was extremely old and predated recorded history, as ancient texts that did not mention younger races already mentioned illithids. They didn't evolve, they weren't created, they didn't jump from another plane of existance, they just showed up. Aboleths enjoy spending time lost in the grand memories of their ancestors, and (time permitting) enjoy reliving entire portions of their ancestors’ lives. An aboleth feeds mainly on microscopic organisms which abound in its natural habitat, but it can also consume larger prey if necessary. Most of you are probably thinking that that sounds a lot like their origins in the mainline D&D canon. Except Mind Flayers. 125 years[6] Lawful evil Medium Aboleth, Soft 00-30 Firmness, Extra Sparkly King Cake, 0789, UV, GLOW. Instead, an illithid's last desire upon death was to be rejoined with its elder brain, thus attaining a form of immortality by having its life experiences merged into the elder brain's consciousness. [1][4], Normally, a mind flayer would use its mind blast ability to stun a few foes and then drag them away to feed. Aboleth are beings found within the deepest lakes and recesses of the ocean, and can notably enslave the bodies and minds of other creatures. The mind flayer used its other spells mainly to enslave its minions and keep them under total control. B… They viewed themselves as masterminds, controlling, harvesting, and twisting the potential of other creatures to further their evil and far-reaching goals. The aboleth is almost always alone, but it has “psychic” attacks that are more powerful than the mind flyers. Malnourished mind flayers died after four months of brain deprivation. 1. [2] Some viewed it as a promise of power and domination to its followers, a feature that was also attractive to non-illithid followers. Mind Flayers are extremely intelligent, but often scheme and connive to gain power for themselves, even within a society of other Mind Flayers. level 1. Mind Flayers came out of nowhere. My nerdiest video so far! The notes from Worlds and Monsters on new Mind Flayer vs Aboleth conflict in 4E just gave me some food for thought, in light of Azure's awesome githyanki game. When it hits prey with a tentacle, the tentacle penetrates to the brain and draws it forth, allowing the monster to devour it. Challenge rating “Mind flayers never truly ally with any creatures. Some sages believed that gas spores had been created by mind flayers as well.[44][45]. There’s no contest. Medium The aboleth are huge floating tentacled monsters (see left) that are also ruled by a hive mind. [1][2], Mind flayer names were strains of thoughts and images that identified them to other members of the race. With the new Illithid - Aboleth conflict of whether to enslave or devastate the world, new tools come into play with the more pronounced Giths vs Illithids war. [2], Some mind flayers viewed the perfect memory of the aboleths as a manifestation of Maanzecorian, which led to several conflicts between them. The Mind Flayer might be the only full sentient force in the Upside Down, and we know it wants out. [2][57], The broader entity was known as Ilsensine, which embodied a mastery of one's own mind and a union with universal knowledge. Aboleths had powerful psionic powers and were natural psions like mind flayers and many other denizens of the Far Realm. 1st Edition Statistics[7] By the use of a powerful spell, they sent their great spelljamming fleet back in time, arriving at different time periods in different crystal spheres and reestablishing their empires. [74], The mind flayers had the first contact with the Netherese in −1064 DR.[75], In 153 DR, an army of illithids and lycanthrope slaves invaded and conquered the dwarven city of Gauntlgrym. So in order to … On a failure, the creature is Diseased for 1d4 hours. In season 1 of Stranger Things the Demogorgon reproduced by tentacle implantation (down Will’s throat), not egg, so the eggs we saw in season 1 were probably eggs for shadow monsters (aboleth) rather than more demogorgons. One mind flayer sees ye, and they all see. His patience for the bureaucracy has reached its limits. The aboleth are gigantic (anywhere from 20-40 feet long) like the TV creature; mind flayers are the size of people. They possessed six face tentacles instead of the regular four. The mind flayer's mind blast was a 60‑foot (18‑meter) cone that stunned anyone caught within it. And that freaks Aboleths out, because stuff isn't supposed to do that. I suspect she will reap devastating consequences in season 3. Homeland(s) Report Save. I have something similar happening and some Illithid tried this with an ancient red dragon. Held in a pool of briny fluids, the elder brain consisted of all the brains of the dead mind flayers in the colony. [4], Mind flayers were capable of channeling their psionic abilities to craft their own version of magic items. Solitary mind flayers are likely rogues and outcasts. Darkvision[1][4] [17] Mind flayer eyes were extremely sensitive to bright light, and they considered it painful, a characteristic that some githyanki scholars attributed to the fact that their alien anatomy focused light in a strange way. Change ). Distinctions [2] Mind flayers once had a massive presence in space and commanded countless of these conch-shaped spelljammers. Mind Flayers? [4] While individual mind flayers might have, at one time in their past, retained a certain degree of independent thought, after the collapse of the illithids' empires it was generally agreed upon by them that their survival required complete obedience to the elder brain. Mind flayers first appeared in the official newsletter of TSR Games, The Strategic Review #1, Spring 1975. And now its psionic power is yours. [36] Some known illithid-created monsters included: Nihiloor and its pet intellect devourers. Captain N'ghathrod and the miniature giant space hamster aboard the Scavenger. 3rd Edition Statistics[4][5] Far Realm[9]The Underdark[1] ( Log Out /  [72] The duergar subsequently founded several holds across the northern Underdark. The hive mind (elder brain) feature of the mind flayers would not be introduced into the game until 1998. I wasn’t aware the loss of the hive mind for the aboleth since I stick with old-school D&D. Alignment Mind Flayers, also known as Illithid, are monstrous a race of aberrant psionic humanoids ruling in the Underdark. Mind flayer eyes were extremely sensitive to bright light, and they considered it painful, a characteristic that some githya… Mind flayers can be powerful mages. There are four major roles in the aboleth society. DM 3 years ago. they are feared even by other evil races such as Drow and Aboleth.They believe themselves to be the dominant species of the multiverse and enjoy using other intelligent creatures as thralls, slaves, and chattel. Illithids have a sickening form of reproduction called ceremorphosis. Der Mind Flayer nimmt die Form einer riesiegen Kreatur mit vielen Beinen an. Aboleth are twenty-foot long fish-like creatures with potent psionic abilities. These so-called renegade illithids could go on to establish their own colonies or, free from the elder brain's arrogant supremacy, even seek cooperation with other species. [6][2][23], The multiplication of mind flayer colonies happened when a tadpole, quite rarely, through ceremorphosis, created a more powerful form known as an ulitharid (meaning "noble devourer" in Undercommon),[12] which was biologically bigger, stronger, and more powerful and cunning than regular mind flayers. Significant is their positive view of magic. Many of them have innate magical abilities drawn from the creature's alien mind rather than the mystical forces of the world." The aboleth despise all forms of magic and rejected it long ago in favor of science, which aligns with the sci-fic premise of Stranger Things. The degree of control and organization exerted by the elder brain over a mind flayer community was so absolute that it was more convenient to think of a mind flayer colony as a single individual: the elder brain. 1e ( Log Out /  Lords of Madness, page 4 The illithid, commonly known as the mind flayer, is an aberrant humanoid best recognized by its tentacled mouth, which it uses to suck out and consume humanoid brains. Each mind flayer used its own talents and abilities to achieve the inquisition's goal. Size Normally, attempting ceremorphosis on an incompatible creature resulted in death for both the host and the tadpole. The tadpoles were kept in the elder brain tank, where they were fed brains by caretakers and engaged in cannibalism for around ten years. The aboleth is a loathsome amphibious creature that lives in subterranean caves and lakes. In the rare occasion that an aboleth that is captured by a mind flayer colony, and they somehow manage to transport it back to their base of operations, they can inject a large mind flayer tadpole into its skull, and cause it to undergo ceremorphosis. [63], Others believed that, because of their advanced technology and ships, illithids were a cursed, inbred mutant offspring of humans from an ancient and distant crystal sphere known as Clusterspace,[64] forced to live in the underground depths of their world, honing their mental skills and experimenting with psionic powers for ages until the hate for their oppressors caused them to seek vengeance and set out to conquer the universe. Most notably, however, they were not controlled by the elder brain. [73] In −1850 DR, the city of Oryndoll was attacked by the duergar as part of a series of attacks against all their enemies. They had a variety of abilities and applications, such as the survival mantle, which allowed the wearer to breathe in a vacuum, or mind carapace armors, which protected the wearer's mind as well as its body. Most such experiments resulted in shapeless abominations, but a few were occasionally successful and produced viable servants. There were also creatures thought to have originated in the same world as illithids and related to them in the same way that animals were akin to humans. The creature's outline is fish-like with a powerful tail at one end and a pointed head at the other. Because a mind flayer sorcerer was naturally more intelligent than other mind flayers, it was better able to resist psionics. The … Only some humanoid species were suitable hosts for illithid tadpoles. When problems arose or the mind flayers wished to discover some secret, they formed "inquisitions", a team of mind flayers, not unlike an adventuring party. However, mind flayers revered two manifestations of psionic ideals in a form resembling worship. As a bonus if the campaign ends in a *TPEB no one can feel too bad. [2][62], Sometime around −11,000 DR, illithid refugees from the planet Glyth arrived on Toril and founded the city of Oryndoll in the Underdark.[70]. Mind flayers, also called illithids, are powerful humanoids with tentacled faces who possess horrifying mental powers with which they dominate or destroy others. The surviving mind flayer enclaves in the Material Plane were constantly and mercilessly hunted down by raiding parties from both the githyanki and githzerai factions, bringing the illithid race to the brink of extinction. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.. Visit Stack Exchange [2][55], As a race of planar travelers, mind flayers did not worship entities from the Outer Planes as deities and did not share the same mythical thoughts about the afterlife. [2], If a mind flayer remained out of reach from its elder brain, it was possible for it to reacquire its free will. Traits Amphibious: The aboleth can breathe air and water. All are extremely intelligent — some even more so than the most ancient of elven mages. 2nd Edition Statistics[6] Medium If a situation was too large for just an inquisition to handle, the mind flayer community put together a "cult". They are known to possess perfect racial memories, remembering everything that happens to them and passing those memories on to their offspring. Dustin reads the information on the mind flayer in the D&D Monster Manual (1977), but there is actually no mention of a hive mind in this manual. [21] The psionic energy also left traces of the original prey's individuality on a mind flayer's sense of culture and aesthetics.[2]. I have something similar happening and some Illithid tried this with an ancient red dragon. They are believed to live for thousands of years, but exact information is difficult to gain. The creature seems to have no other facial features, lacking even a mouth. Over their many years of existence, the aboleth have developed a society which far exceeds that of humans in efficiency. 5th Edition Statistics[1][2] Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon. Late in the ’80s, Dragon Magazine #131 did a special feature on the aboleth, describing them as follows: “In general, all aboleth are cruel, emotionless, and logical. Medium Aboleth, Medium 00-50 Firmness, Movie Theater Candy, 0533, UV, GLOW. The merchant clans have largely ignored his concerns. A rare and most treasured item in a mind flayer colony was a flying ship known as a nautiloid. It was unknown whether they were naturally attracted by the colonies or if they had been domesticated by the mind flayers. Subtype(s) Aboleth, from D&D: Monster Manual, page 13.. An aboleth is an extremely powerful aberration, usually residing deep in the Underdark.Next to nothing is known about them, despite the fact that they are incredibly ancient and long-lived. Aberration The only thing higher up the Illithid hierarchy are the Elder Brains. Elaborate funerary jars, also known as brain canisters,[56] with the individual's biography inscribed in Qualith were commonly used by mind flayer colonies to preserve a dead mind flayer's brain until it was consumed by the elder brain.[2]. In addition to being part of a hive mind, they are born with a racial memory, each one inheriting the memories of its ancestors. This allows the aboleth to keep slaves, which it dominates and keeps captive with its mind. This leaves the larvae unattended. Eleven crossed it badly by shutting the gate. With the Mind Flayer monster dealt with in Season 3 and Season 4 fast approaching, we take a quick look at what other creatures from the 'Monster Manual' could bring the extra fright to 'Stranger Things' Season 4. [28] Some known types of ceremorphs included: In addition to ceremorphosis, many illithid colonies experimented with altering creatures in a variety of ways to produce new monsters that could serve them. The Lich wins this his will is far to high to be overcome even by an equal level mind flayer and even if the Mind flayer somehow manages to grapple the Lich who is … Nerdarchy the News Letter- http://nerdarchynewsletter.gr8.com/ Aboleth, Mind Flayer, and Plague! Der Mind Flayer ist mit befallenden Tieren und Menschen, sowie erschaffenen Monstern und Schleimkreaturen gleichzeitig verbunden. Fun aside: Mind Flayers can turn Dragons into Mind Flayers. Representatives of the various Creeds organized themselves in Elder Concords, which, under the auspices of the elder brain, coordinated the colony's various activities. In this society, each aboleth has a specific duty which it performs with the utmost skill. The mind flayer mind knew only negative emotions, only finding fulfillment in the angry and sadistic act of consuming a brain. [61] However, in the late 15th century DR, mind flayer colonies dedicated to Maanzecorian were again common. “Mind flayers aren’t the real boss monster,” I wrote in my post on mind flayer tactics. Absent any details, let’s assume this is your standard textbook Mind Flayer encounter: he’s set himself up in a lair in the Underdark, the party has been hired to find and slay him, and he doesn’t want that to happen. Mind flayer7Arcanist8Psion8 Sale Sold out. 1 Physical … [2] They also had the ability to craft psionic seals, a type of brand that granted its wearer a variety of abilities. That’s helpful info; thanks. Illithids were all sexless, without male or female biological sex,[22] and once or twice in their life they would lay a clutch of eggs from which tadpoles hatched. [18], Mind flayers that were healthy from brain-rich diets excreted a kind of slimy mucous substance that coated their mauve skins. "Mind flayers might comprise the single most dangerous threat to the dominion of humanoids in the daylight lands of the surface world." [52][54] However, incessant hunting by the gith and the fact that mind flayers lost the means to build them or acquire them from the arcane caused them to almost disappear. Underground[6][4] [27] Creatures that underwent successful ceremorphosis but did not produce mind flayers were referred to as ceremorphs, or "flayer-kin". In here we go super in-depth and explore the way Aboleths behave and how they do the things that they do. An aboleth has a pink belly. Occasionally mind flayer communities are attacked (often by vengeful githyanki and githzerai) and their inhabitants must flee. Vision Activity cycle Injured Mind Flayer can be found at Ravaged Beach nearly to the Nautiloid wreckage, next to a group of people. Its essence was killed by Tenebrous, the undead shadow of the demon lord Orcus sometime in the mid-14th century DR,[60] though this fact was unknown to most at the time. When you use it, your flesh shines with a strange mucus. In murky subterranean waters, they enslave entire cities, and turn them into mucous-covered, mindless servitors with the ability to breathe water. You once suffered the dominating powers of an aboleth, leaving a psychic splinter in your mind. A mind flayer placing the brain of a slain comrade in a funerary jar. Their eyes are pale white, and see perfectly in light as in darkness. [68][69], At some point, the gith, their most prominent slave race, rebelled and brought down the entirety of the mind flayer empires in the Astral Plane in less than a year. In cases when multiple colonies pursued common objectives, a "Grand Elder Concord" was formed.[51]. [1] The elder brain was the heart of the community. Average lifespan Mind Flayers have similar traits, as I mentioned, but their differences stand out. An aboleth fits the description of the shadow monster almost to a tee, and it’s hard to see why Dustin associated it with a mind flayer instead. I can even see a plot where the PCs have to get enthralled by Aboleth so they can do a mind dive on it, accessing information it normally wouldn't share. A cult was much larger than an inquisition and was spearheaded by two mind flayers who constantly vied for greater power within it. Tadpoles that survived to maturity were put through the ceremony of ceremorphosis, where each was implanted into a humanoid victim and devoured its brain, taking its place and merging with the body to transform it into a new illithid. [16], Their hands had long, reddish fingers and lacked the index finger,[7][17] and their feet were two-toed and webbed. The Shadow Monster of Stranger Things 2: Mind Flayer or Aboleth? An illithid tadpole preparing to enter a human host. Then, the mind flayer sucked out the brain, instantly killing the creature, as long as it only had one head. Lawful evil [83] Around that same time, there was also an illithid colony in a free-standing object in Realmspace known as the Skull of the Void, in which they performed breeding experiments on beholders. [1] Dwellers of deep Underdark areas, these alien humanoid-looking beings sought to expand their dominion over all other creatures, controlling their minds to use them as hopeless slaves and devouring their brains for sustenance. [1] It was also viewed by them as the ultimate form of dominance over another creature. In my treatment of mind flayers, I proposed three alternatives to the mind flayer’s dominate monster ability that might provide the necessary amplification of its psionic powers: Charm (as exemplified by the vampire), Enslave (as exemplified by the aboleth) and geas (either in its normal, ritual form or in an accelerated, single-action form). These creatures, known as illithidae, were sometimes found near mind flayer settlements. And during this whole thing they have a captured aboleth that just stares at all of this unyielding horror, for it is to ridiculous for it to comprehend. The aboleth is more likely to keep its word if it makes a bargain with the PCs. Favored climate Maybe it now speaks with two voices, or focuses on dominating and enslaving other Aboleth to turn to the illithids' side. [86], During the Time of Troubles, Oryndoll was once again visited by an avatar of Ilsensine, an event that ushered a large expansion in the city's creeds. [62], Some sages theorized that mind flayers were aliens from an unimaginably distant future, who had come back in time to prevent their extinction from being brought upon by the end of the universe. [10] Their vision was also more sensitive to the recognition of geometric patterns than that of other humanoids. [57] Others interpreted these objectives as attainable through dominance or replacement of the deities associated with knowledge. Mind flayers are cold, calculating things, most are ancient things with vast knowledge on elder secrets of the folks whose brains they have consumed. Challenge rating So that’s a 14-year anachronism in the TV show. 2e My favorite origin for Mind Flayers is that they are from the far future, where they had conquered the universe, and are closing the loop on their own existence. Mind flayers, also known as illithids, are a terrible, aberrant form of life with vast mental abilities. [2], Their natural psionic abilities also made mind flayers respected in the eyes of the drow, beholders, duergar, and other dominant races of the Underdark. Various depictions of the feared illithid. 3e General Information [78] The city's elder brain planned to use the town as a foothold in a move to enslave Waterdeep. "It's ok. Let him in," replied Druosu when the … Mind flayers were humanoid in appearance but with an octopus-like, ridged head with four tentacles surrounding a lamprey-like mouth. They were warm-blooded amphibians, whose blood had a silvery-white color.Their hands had long, reddish fingers and lacked the index finger, and their feet were two-toed and webbed. Mind flayers, also called illithids, are powerful humanoids with tentacled faces who possess horrifying mental powers with which they dominate or destroy others. Type Say the unthinkable happened and the Illithids were able to successfully embed a tadpole inside an Aboleth. Mind Flayers retained the hive mind, but also no longer came from another plane either, nkw coming from the far future; in some cases illithids look down on magic (if you use psionics as a separate power source) in others they don’t. [2], Illithids were capable of speaking Undercommon and Deep Speech but preferred telepathic communication. Pleasure Forge-Fine body-safe silicone fantasy toys since 2016 Alhoons (also called illithiliches) are Mind Flayer … [1][4] They also had a form of written language called Qualith, which consisted of patterns of four lines imbued with psionic energy, capable of conveying not only text but also the author's thoughts. Their toothless maw is located on their underside, and they have three slit-like, red-purple eyes, placed vertically on their foreheads. Typical enslaved races found among mind flayers included grimlocks, ogres, quaggoths, and troglodytes. Physiological changes are tough because they're both tentacled horrors. Any[6] Everything from the Upside Down — the demo-dogs, the creeping vines, the underground tunnels burrowing into Hawkins, and the gate itself — seems to be under the control of a hive mind, and mind flayers are ruled by a hive mind (called an “elder brain”). The merchant clans have largely ignored his concerns. [72] Shortly afterward, members of the Loretaker Creed traveled to the Caverns of Thought in search of Ilsensine but returned as firm followers of Thoon. This new personality and any alliances that were made instantly vanished as soon as the renegade illithid fell back under control of an elder brain. 5e [79][80][81] In 1385 DR, the city was ravaged by the Spellplague, which created horribly mutated mind flayers with extraordinary psionic abilities.[82]. I mean, everyone already knew they’d be facing mind flayers after all. 2 Aboleth Like Mind Flayers, Aboleths are also a malicious alien race with tentacles and potent psionic abilities. They are considered impossibly ancient, older than humanity itself, and in possession of horrible secrets about the early history of the world. Mindflayer (TVQZ25VA5) by mz4250 on Shapeways. Ecology of the Mind Flayer and Aboleth The dwarf pushed open the doors to the conference room. Aberrant As of 3.5 Edition Aboleth no longer have the hive mind (although they maintain the inherited and consumed memories) and are from the same planet (Oerth, Toril, Krynn, Mystara, etc.) UlitharidAlhoon However, aboleths had a much more fearsome ability, the capacity to secrete a viscous gray fluid, much like mucus, which brought about a terrible transformation in air-breathing creatures so unfortunate as to be caught in the stuff. Their slippery skin can be pale gray, grayish blue of dark purple. Origin It is highly intelligent, and feared for its powerful … It is as cruel as it is intelligent. They either attempt to seize control of a population by subverting its leaders, or they use psionics to dominate a humanoid and turn it into a thrall.” The themes and circumstances these kinds of stories evoke tie in closely with the upcoming Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden come to think about it. [2], Emotionally, a mind flayer appeared detached and calm, showing no signs of passion or loss of control. The process of ceremorphosis yielded a new mind flayer only if the tadpole was applied to certain compatible types of humanoids. [1][4] However, despite their aggressiveness, illithids were ultimately a paranoid and fearful race. Two humans tried to pull him back but he continued forward. Here, the mind flayer is described as "a super-intelligent, man-shaped creature with four tentacles by its mouth which it uses to strike its prey." [4] It served as the center of the communication network, relaying information received from one mind flayer to the entire colony, storing all the collective knowledge of the colony, and issuing commands to individual mind flayers. Following the example of the aboleth’s Enslave feature, you might also allow a mind flayer three uses of Charm or geas per day rather than just one—or, maybe, give it Enslave as written, plus a single daily use of geas. Undercommon[4]Deep Speech[1]Qualith[1] [76] The ruined city remained disputed by groups of aboleths, duergar, drow, and illithids until it was retaken by the Companions of the Hall in the late 15th century DR.[77], In 1154 DR, the town of Ch'Chitl was founded by an illithid cult seeking to establish a partnership with Skullport. Any[6] To put out the myriad suns―to darken the light. Mind flayers, also known as illithids (pronounced: /ɪlˈlɪθɪdz/ il-LITH-idz[11]  listen, meaning "mind flayers" or "mind rulers" in Undercommon[12]), and sometimes referred to as ghaik by the githyanki,[13] were evil and sadistic aberrations, feared by sentient creatures on many worlds across the multiverse due to their powerful innate psionic abilities. Mind Flayer(Illithid) However, when the dwarves began to stage uprisings and rebellions, the city was plunged into chaos. Alignment The Aboleth lurks in the water and has immense psionic power that allows it to ultimately make a target its slave and even mutate its victim to become a better slave for the Aboleth. An aboleth resembles a plump fish, 20 feet in length from its bulbous head to its fluke-like tail. Sometime in the mid-13th century DR, the illithids managed to reestablish their domain on Glyth, from where they conducted selective breeding experiments with oortlings.

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