negative afterimages are explained by

That’s great feedback Paul! Optical illusions have been studied for millenia. For example, if you stare for a long time at a red image, you will see a green afterimage. Because i have issues at recalling the colour. I just stumbled on your forum. Try some real objects, something with a high contrast, like a spoon, a ballpen, etc. It’s crucial, if you want to get better, you keep working on it. Here again, the more details the better. 2) When I first posted this, back in April, I had completed 24 sessions of neurofeedback. In your case (and this applies to probably thousands of other successful, happy people, too) writing is a perfectly effective substitute to get clarity, direction and drive in life. I’m curious, when you recall your dreams in the morning (lucid or not) do you recall them in images? Not very clear but was unexpected. Stay at it and keep us posted please! Am I am doing correctly ? This website uses cookies to improve your experience. I can’t recall how long it took me but I can say that it was pretty real, since I actually felt the emotion of the day and it was very powerful. Do I start at the candle flame? I would now say that my visualization is 2…2.5/10. What kind of conversations did you have? Ask yourself a few questions about it:”Which colors do I see? As with colors, you’ll also get better over time. These ones appear randomly and only for a split second. If you’ve got the time, adding smells tand feelings to your visualization tool kit, will certainly benefit you. 🙂 I find I’ve made progress, but I do wish the images were longer than 30 sec. So thank you for being one of the few beacons of optimism in this sea of self-defeatism. Very gently press, with the tips of your fingers, your eyes, until you perceive some kind of light sensations. I mean, neurofeedback is about fine-tuning your brain through electric stimulation and changing unwanted behaviour/thinking, so I don’t think it was unreasonable to except SOMETHING. Anyway, have a pleasant evening. Also use images that are meaningful to you and evoke emotions (breathtaking landscapes, images of your goals, family photos, …). Progress report: First, I’d like to thank Dorin for sharing their experiences. It was like I had a small TV (1/4th in size) in the corner of my mind. Close your eyes and attempt see the object (or scene) with your mind’s eye. That’s a fantastic exercise! Week #3 When you first try recalling dreams in the morning you won’t remember anything… or… you recall only a fraction of a dream. I was laying in bed, trying to imagine/see something with my eyes closed while listening to a rainy sound. On my phone, I created a folder with a) shapes and b) photos (goal images, landscapes, fruits, symbols, etc.). Do i have aphantasia or not ? This was a man who had used this “muscle” in excess of 60 years, yet no longer can do it no matter how hard he tries. Thank you for your comment. My question is, which of these two after images am I supposed to try and hold onto? My current state is extremely accurately described by this quotation: “You close your eyes, and all you see is blackness or, at best, you see some blurry shapes.”. In other words were black boxes in your mind rotating, in regards to maps before you saw images in your minds eye could you some how sense direction when you turned another way and instead of North being one way North was another. I also kind of “fly over” imaginary cities. The thing is, you will get better really quickly, and, you’ll be amazed how quickly you develop your memory-biceps. You’re on the right track. Sometimes it even appears rotated 90 degrees. Keep retracing the shape with your mental pencil. It’s true, I gave up easily, I thought it will come naturally one day. If I meditate more than 15-25 minutes, swirlings you describe appear and if I focus on that movement trying to see patterns/shapes, at some point clips are comming, like are hidden on those patterns (I see many clips, as long as I keep meditating; I also open my eyes from time to time (for 2-3 seconds) and clips are comming when I close my eyes back – looks like the brain remains in the same state but opening your eyes from time to time will keep you more aware, without that sleepy sensation). Later: staring at my iMac (thinking at my entire life, little `depressed` because of this aphantasia), from time to time I closed my eyes – I could see few times something like stones, including the texture. Even with the candle, the light source is visible as a white on dark for a second, maybe two, but the candle it was attached to is gone the instant my eyes close. Critical to open your mind’s eye is deep relaxation. Vital key is you keep practicing on a frequent basis. Or is it all mental imagination imagery? Well, in my experience, learning to visualization (from scratch) is not impossible. In normal everyday life, you don't notice this because tiny movements of your eyes keep the cone cells located at the back of your eyes from becoming overstimulated. I know how our brain is changeing over time (neuroplasticity), so I also refuse to think that there is any barrier. But, why not see for yourself? Why? Thanks again Marko or anyone else who might have tips here. So, please send me an email or leave me a comment on this post. Or is this maybe a bit more advanced? When I play I try capture the details and the position of each single image. Evening: meditation (1h) + image streaming (added this week) – when I close my eyes for more than ~10 minutes, I see a lot of movement, like moving fog (a lot of nonsense – so my Image Streaming is a lot of fun without many words to describe what I see) I plan on starting the exercises today and staying consistent for at least 30 days. I’ve made similar progress with Exercise #2, particularly the first video. In a nutshell, as someone who starts from scratch, I think we have to invest a good amount of time to bring this muscle to life, strengthen it… and then… apply it frequently and routinely in our daily life. I’d appreciate it if you could give me those details because I honestly now feel like I may have just wasted a lot of time on this. In a nutshell: Your memory expands on the area you focus on. ~3 total hours of “training”. The exercises I’ve doing are: for about a month I was staring at a triangle, then closing my eyes, and trying to hold the image as long as possible. -> I want to learn it because I want to create stories. From time to time, color spots appeared: purple (many times), yellow and pink once. It’s weird but he has a very soothing voice and this track is by far the better of the ones I’ve bought. In the past I’ve seen things and heard things in lucid dreams, but this is the first time I was aware of feeling the texture of something in a dream. So the question is do I try to take in the details of all these moving parts for two static positions of the mug, one upright and the other upside down or one turned one way and then turned the other, memorize those two positions and try to train my brain to do mental rotation or again do you think that once images can be seen in the minds eye that the brain will be able to start rotating those images. Again thanks alot 🙂, Arana, I’m happy to hear! My 31 days are up and unfortunately I have not improved. – stability of images (shape, color, movement, …) In terms of conjuring up images I want to that has not come to me. My words are almost all written in red (and green) because I can’t seem to see this colour in my mind. You can certainly imagine a canvas or a screen (monitor, cinema, phone, …) in front of you… and even painting on a canvas works well. Non-Sequitur 1.8 8. Marko, after one week practice with candle and shapes I finally started seeing “after image”. Conclusion: there is a massive change after 7 days only (5 hours of practice, daily, on average). And there can be even worse situation, in some hashimoto cases are antibodies directed into This exercise will help you to picture colors. Yet I doubt that you’ll be able to control your mental images 100% at all times… which is probably a natural mechanism of our subconscious minds. I am able to see some simple geometric figures, but only for a few seconds. I’d say, “sensing” is part of visualization. I could only see like a fire colour and it seems to me that it’s the imprint of the image on my retina, and not my mind doing it. And Yes, my memory and inteligence make me stupid. Think about it as taking a snapshot. I have a question about the after images (I’m still trying the candle exercise), I hope I can word it properly. After some lines and paragraphs close your eyes and try to picture whatever you have just read. Which one are you guys talking about? Shorten, experiment with the time you spend observing the object/image. In my experience it helps to say out lout what you want to see (or what your already seeing) to give it stability and clarity. But, I must ask you, please don’t make this your prerequirement to your life’s success. I will try the conversation’s exercise and i will continue to train visualiation and i will let you know my progress. It should be quite big, at least 5x5cm. When you have learned to reproduce real objects more or less sharply and accurately, try altering their mental images. The background is white.” Be very detailed! Just like a movie. I hope it works. Where did you start from? Can you somehow sense its appearance? Also I believe that subjects who … Marko, I don’t know how to thank you. Thank you! Just do what you’re already doing and: Lengthen the max. Marko this question is redundant to the reply I asked based on the answer you gave me to anothe question but just in case my reply gets lost in all the new comments and questions I figured I would post it again. You can focus on the afterimage while thinking about the color. Maybe incorporate more high contrast things to focus on in person that don’t need a screen (lights in the screen might be worth seeing if they have an effect or not.) — I haven’t used this skill on a daily basis. Try to continue a botched transformation and repair it into a successful one, like morphing that hexagon into a real circle. I try to “chop up” the top of the triangles with a very slow and steady laserbeam (excuse my poor wording). As the transition from crawling to walking is an amazingly complex process, so, I think, is the learning to visualize in great clarity and stability. 1. (better 30min) every single day. Whatever works best for you Rajan. Hope it’s improved since you commented. All you’ve got to do is training your mind’s eye. And well, hypnosis is highly individual, but because of the price I’m wary of recommending it to people just like that. dark colors appear light, light colors appear dark). 1. I want to share my experience here. Again take a blank sheet of paper and paint a color spot. Observe with great care for some time and later recall as much as possible on paper. Some of then in near photographic quality. Before you practice, at the very least, do an instant body scan. But, please take some time to experiment. Research into the subject was tricky, as every time I included the term ‘visualization’ in my searches, I would find countless videos teaching people who already possess the ability to create mental images how to use their ability to achieve personal success. The image seems actually visible, and not imaginable, as I always had before. Afterimages are an optical illusion and are caused by the eyes continuing to send signals to the brain after staring at an image for too long, and are not created by the mind itself. What’s the color of your door? But this is more strange: if I move my head around my room, that greenish spot is changeing/shapeing according to the objects I know: room corners, room window, my desk, etc. I think it purely takes part in your mind only and, if you focus on the backs of your eyelids, you might prevent yourself from getting the best results. It’s kind of like the aurora borealis, sometimes swirling or cascading. Thank you for leaving a comment here. Unfortunately, I haven’t heard back from Brandon yet. @Thomas, I can’t visualise at all when I’m conscious but I can in my dreams. “Recording Ability” Storing away visual information in great detail — requires training of analyzation, focus, careful observation and perception. To me, this experience was entirely profound. Circular reasoning 1.7 7. Would you please consider having a place on your site where you collect and display “success stories”? But, I do not see the colours. Repeat the process, collecting more details and close your eyes again. I’ll go back to practicing the previous exercises. 🙂 They only last a second or so, although one time a few months ago I had an image last five seconds. In any case, this inability to visualize has recently been dubbed “aphantasia” by scientists, and has been receiving a lot of press recently. I will check out that book. Am on my second day of trying these excersizes the first day i could see absolutely nothing today i can see the shapes contained in a small rectangle in the centre of my closed eyes but very small sized. Please don’t give up! I personally know that this is frustrating but it’s merely a matter of endurance and persistent practice. I’m no doctor but it appears to me that lots of people -like you- hit their inner light switch due to some stress or trauma. I think everyone with brain and visualisation problems should check if there is any like hashimoto disease. I was shocked and amazed at the same time. They are well-known across the galaxy for their bloodthirsty nature in battle, and feared for the curse of flawed gene-seed they carry. If you haven’t mastered simpler objects then this is probably the root of the problem. Thank you very much for sharing your experiences and your progress with everyone here! I used to think that if I want it bad enough, it will happen. I’ve been doing the one hour hypnosis/guided meditation about once a week, and 45 minutes of image streaming the other days. Daniele. Sorry for this long comment, I know you’re not “my confessor”. nice advices, thank you. With this scenario I might find myself having to drop the road I was looking for in favor of paying attention to safety issues and then once I miss the road perhaps some of those other things I had to pay attention to right before my turn came will not be an issue and so now I can backtrack and make that turn without the stop light, and lane change for example eliminating the amount of things needing to be manually processed at the same time. and will it improve faster the more time you spend on it? Slowly follow its contours once. #3. Everyone I’ve ever met with aphantasia has had a greatly above average ability to learn and memorize information. We need locate that muscle and strengthen it voluntarily. And when I discovered that others did have this so called ability to view things in their mind’s eye, I was in disbelief that there could exist such a world that I was oblivious to. Thanks so much for this info! Most important: stay active and keep playing around with your visual memory whenever you’ve got an idle second. Every time you close your eyes make sure they are absolutely relaxed. I’m sure, you’re here because you can’t visualize. At this point, the image was visible in detail (~60% detail) for: 3 seconds + 2 seconds slowly disolving (5 total seconds, after that… nothing to see, all dark). All our academic papers are written from scratch. I also practice a lot on stationary objects. DAY #2 (1,5 hours): Used my window, just to satisfy my curiosity (window curtain was in place). 12/1/19 Well, my 2019 New Year’s resolution to learn how to visualize is not looking so good. From my personal experience (and from others who emailed me) “aphantasia” merely means that the specific mental muscle responsible to fashion visual imagery lacks practice. I am usually too lost in deep thought to even notice most things. I am usualy patient and positive (I’m 37 years old). Frequency I must find a way to focus on visualizing in a conscious way. This is all without even closing my eyes. 🙂 Awesome. I couldn’t do that at all in the beginning which was why I dropped it in favour of other exercises. How do you feel about the “improve visualization” program? I was doing this about 20 minutes a day. And once again, thank you to Dorin for your progress reports. I know I keep repeating this but, what you focus on, you strengthen. And if so, how long did that transition take? I am a total Aphantasiant and have never experienced my mind sensor of any sort. Try to imagine what happens when it receives an incoming call from your home line. I can only visualize in my dreams. The reflections of light, shapes, angles, colors, textures, spacial relationship to objects in proximity, and so on. I haven’t yet had success at creating an image of my choosing (even a very simple one). I’ve been blindly trying to improve my ability to visualize as a whole, rather than viewing each of its facets as an entirely separate skill. I tried the Middle Earth Meditation. For some people it appears to be easier. I am doing the same but I visualise better with my eyes open than closed eyes. I meditate for hours in an attempt to calm my mind, and I try my best to retain afterimages as long as I can. Do you find that starting from scratch gives you complete control? The ancient Greeks used a technique known as entasis which incorporates a slight convexity in the columns of the Parthenon to compensate for the illusion of concavity created by parallel lines. And the best part is that I was “lucid” at one point, I knew that the instant Ill move my back from the pressure mat I’ll wake up. How would one know if they had a strength or weakness in mental rotation before a mental image could be conjured up., Thanks for your reply though on my last question as I am a troubleshooter by nature and I always am interested in information that could better help with these things. You can push this really far and spend a lot of time on this. Unwrinkle your brow.

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