technology terms word search

Play this game to check your level of knowledge of the computer and its related equipment. Search for words or phrases within the TechTerms definitions. Free word search puzzles that you can play online, and are printable. Computer Terms For 2nd Grade: ProProfs Word Search Puzzle. Server A server is a computer that handles requests for data, email, file transfers, and other network services from other computers. Have fun trying to solve our technology word search for kids. Here is a computer Hardware terms Word Search and also a Computer Terms Crossword. Try our technology word search puzzle and have fun finding a range of technology related words such as computer, future, research, internet and innovation. These terms includes that use in Internet, computer and other devices. search, social network software monitor cyberbully modem keyboard hardware mouse network firewall Flash Drive Personal Computer email network dropbox blog technology har drive Operating System digital citizenship, HARDWARE RAM MOUSE CACHE MODEM INDEX KEYBOARD SOFTWARE PROCESSOR PORTS DATABASE MONITOR ICON MEMORY DISK DRIVE LANDSCAPE HOME KEYS, Bit Browser Clip art computer copy data delete desktop digital disk drag email Excel File flash flash drive folder font hyperlink Keyboard link log out login memory modem monitor Mouse Page password paste Power ram rom runtime save scroll server spyware storage surf text toolbar trash undo URL username utility virus web Word, output input disk GPS tablet Apple Dell mice GPU SSD supercomputer scanners minicomputer webcams microphones joysticks mainfraimcomputer ROM RAM BIOS USB touchpad chipset firmware speakers monitor hardware software personalcomputer desktopcomputer ports printer mouse keyboard motherboard processor, an electronic device that manipulates information, or data. Copyright © 2021 WordMint LLC. Learning Resources (Word Search Puzzle): Technology Terms - 10 Terms (technology - terms - elementary) - Find the hidden terms. Word Search Maker More Puzzles Search. A type of search that looks for matching documents that contain one or more words specified by the user. a computer program where you can look up and information on the internet. But there are keywords you can use to get the attention of a recruiter or a resume bot. Computers word search, all about Technology Terms! Once you've clicked a title you see a link to separate answer grid page with hints for the teachers that show where the words start. Browser A group of files or documents that are stored together by a title on your computer. Reloading the page will restart the game with new words. mouse A machine that is used for printing documents, pictures, etc. On this page you can read or download technology terms crossword puzzle pdf in PDF format. View all puzzles in "General" category. Technology Word Search. Screen where you can find the physical components of an electronic device. Quizzes: View the archive of past TechTerms quizzes. Make a Word Search from a Reading Assignment, Moderately Challenging Word Search Puzzles, ADAPTOR, AEROSOL, AGRIBUSINESS, ALTERNATOR, ASPHALT, BALANCE, BEVEL, BRAZING, BULL FLOAT, CALIPER, CARBURETOR, CLOCKWISE, CONTAMINANT, CREOSOTE, DIELECTRIC, DOWEL, DRILL PRESS, ELEVATION, EYE, FAUCET, FERROUS, FITTING, FLUX, FOOTING PAD, GAUGE, GRAIN, HINGE, HYDRAULIC, HYDROPONICS, INDUCTION, KEYHOLE SAW, LEANER, MECHANIC, OAKUM, OSCILLATOR, PATTERN, PHILLIPS, PROTRACTOR, RESISTANCE, SABRE SAW, SCALE, SCREWDRIVER, SIPHON, TOE NAIL, VENEER, VOLTMETER, WEDGE, WELDER, ACPOWER, ALTERNATORS, CABLE, COIL, ELECTRICITY, ELECTROMAGNETIC, FREQUENCY, GENERATORS, LAMINA, MAGNETICFIELD, PRIMEMOVER, PRODUCE, RINGS, ROTOR, SALIENT, VOLTAGE, WORKHORSE, Find Vocabulary words for Chapter 29 Automotive Batteries, BATTERY, CABLE, CAPACITY, CELL, CHARGING, COLD, CRANKING, DISCHARGED, DRY CELL, ELECTRICITY, ELECTROLYTE, ENGINE, FUSES, GASSING, HEAT SHIELD, HOLD DOWN, LOAD, MAINTENANCE, PARASITIC LOAD, PLATES, RESERVE, SENSOR, TERMINALS, VOLTAGE, WET CHARGED, AFTERBURNER, AILERON, AIRPLANE, APERTURE, AUTOPILOT, BALLOONING, CABIN, CARGO, COCKPIT, CONCOURSE, DEADHEAD, DOGFIGHT, EARHART, ELEVATION, ENGINE, FLARES, FLYING, FUSELAGE, GENERATE, GONDOLA, HANG GLIDER, HANGER, HELICOPTER, JET WAY, JUNKER, KITE, LANDING, LAUNCH, MACH SPEED, MONTGOLFIER, NOZZLE, OVERSHOOT, PASSENGER, PROPELLER, RADAR, ROCKET, SIGNAL, SONIC BOOM, TAKEOFF, THROTTLE, TURBINE, TURBULENCE, UNMANNED, WING, WRIGHT BROTHERS, BACKHOE, BLASTHOLE DRILL, BOBCAT, BRAMI, BUCYRUS, BULLDOZER, BUNCHER, CATERPILLAR, CRANE, CRAWLER, CRUSHER, DIECAST, DRAGLINE, DRUM ROLLER, DUMP TRUCK, EXCAVATOR, FLATBED, GRADER, GRAPPLE, HARVESTER, HYDRALIC HAMMER, JOHN DEERE, KENWORTH, KEYSTONE, KOMATSU, KUBELWAGEN, LETOURNEAU, LIEBHERR, MACK, MAMMOET, MANITOWAC, MINING SHOVEL, MODEL, OSHKOSH, PAVER, PILE DRIVER, SANDVIK, SCHIMMWAGEN, TRACTOR, WHEEL LOADER, BENJAMINBANNEKER, CHARLESDREW, FREDERICKMJONES, GARRETTMORGAN, GEORGECRUM, GEORGEWASHINGTONCARVER, JAMESWEST, KENNETHDUNKLEY, MARIEBROWN, OTISBOYKIN, ADJUSTERS, BEARING, BLEEDER, BONI, BOOSTER, BRAKES, BRAKING, CALIPER, CYLINDER, DISC, DRUM, FIREWALL, FRICTION, HOSE, HUB, HYDRAULIC, JOBCORPS, LINE, LININGS, PEDAL, PRESSURE, PROPORTIONING, ROTATION, ROTOR, RUNOUT, SAFETYGLASSES, SHOES, SPRING, STOPLIGHT, VACUUM, AQUADUCT, ARCH, BEAM, BOWSTRING, BRIDGE, CANTILEVER, CONCRETE, COVERED, GIRDER, MOON, MOVABLE, PIGTAIL, POONTOON, ROLLUP, ROPE, ROVING, SEGMENTAL, SPAN, STEEL, STEPSTONE, STONE, SUSPENSION, TRANSPORTER, TRESTLE, TRUSS, TUBULAR, VIADUCT, WOOD, ASTON MARTIN, AUDI, BMW, BUGATTI, CADILAC, DODGE, FERRARI, FIAT, FORD, FOTON, GREAT WALL, HOLDEN, HONDA, LAMBORGHINI, LAND ROVER, MAZDA, MERCEDES BENZ, MINI, MORRIS, NISSAN, OPEL, ROVER, TOYOTA, VOLKSWAGON, ASTONMARTIN, BUGATTI, BUICK, CADILLAC, CAMARO, CANYON, CHEVELLE, CHEVY, CONVERTIBLE, CORNET, CORVETTE, DODGE, FAIRLANE, FERRARI, FOCUS, FORD, FUSION, GTOJUDGE, HEMI, HENNESSEYVENOM, HONDA, HUMMER, IMPALA, JAGUAR, KOENIGSEGG, LAMBORGHINI, LANDROVER, MCLAREN, MERCEDESBENZ, MINICOOPER, MONTECARLO, MUSTANG, NOVA, PAGANI, PLYMOUTH, PORSCHE, RAPTOR, ROADRUNNER, ROLLSROYCE, SIERRA, SILVERADO, SUBARU, SUPERBIRD, TACOMA, TESLA, THUNDERBIRD, TITAN, TOYOTA, ZENVO, ACCIDENT, BREAKDOWN, CALL, CAPTURE, CELL, CHATTING, COMMUNICATE, COMMUNICATION, CONFUSION, CONNECTED, CRAZY, DANGER, DRIVING, EASY, ELECTRONIC, EMERGENCY CALL, ESSENTIAL, GADGET, GAME, IMPACT, INDEPENDENCE, MOMENT, NECESSITY, NEGLECT, NOTICE, PHONE, PLAYING, PRACTICAL, RADIATION, RISK, SLEEP DEPRIVATION, SOCIAL, TOOL, BACK ORDER, BASKET, BATTERY, BEZEL, BRACELET, BRAND, CALIBER, CASEBACK, CITIZEN, CONSUMER, CROWN, CRYSTAL, CUSTOMER, DIAL, DIAMOND, ECO DRIVE, ESTIMATE, EVALUATOR, GASKET, GOLD, JAPAN, JEWELER, MODEL, MOVEMENT, PARTS, PEARL, POSTAL, PROCEED, PROXIMITY, REPAIR, REPLACEMENT, REPRESENTATIVE, RETAIL, SERIAL, SETTING, SIGNATURE, SILVER, STATION, STOCK, STRAP, SUPERVISOR, TECHNICIAN, TECHNOLOGY, TIME, TORRANCE, TRACKING, WAREHOUSE, WARRANTY, WATCH, WATERPROOF, ARGUEMENT, BACKSPACE, BORDER, CHART, COMPARSION, CRITERIA, DOCUMENT, FORMAT, KEYBOARD, MACS, MONITOR, MOUSE, PARAGRAPH, SHEET, SPEED, TRANSCRIPTS, USB, APPLE, HARDWARE, INPUT, KEYBOARD, MICROPHONE, MICROSOFT, MONITOR, MOUSE, OUTPUT, PRINTER, SCANNER, SOFTWARE, VIRUS, WINDOWS, FLOPPYDISK, HARDDRIVE, HEADPHONES, KEYBOARD, MICROPHONE, MODEM, MONITOR, MOUSE, PLOTTER, PRINTER, PROJECTOR, RAM, SCANNER, SCREEN, SPEAKER, SYSTEM, TRACKBALL, ALU, BIOS, BUSES, CPU, ETHERNET CABLE, EXPANSION CARD, FANS, GPU, GRAPHICS CARD, HARD DRIVE, HARD WARE, IMAGE SCANNER, JOYSTICK, KEYBOARD, MICROPHONES, MONITOR, MOTHERBOARD, MOUSE, OPTICAL DISK DRIVE, PORTS, PRINTER, PSU, RAM, SD CARD READER, SOUND CARD, SPEAKERS, SSD, TOUCHPAD, USBPORT, VIDEO CARD, WATER COOLING, WEBCAM, ATTENUATION, BIOS, BOOLEAN, BUFFERS, CACHE, CAPACITOR, CHIPSET, CLOCK, CMOS, COMPUSERVE, DYNAMIC, ETHERNET, FLASH, GAIN, GATE, LAN, MEMORY, MICROPROCESSOR, MOBO, NETWORK, NOISE, OSCILLATOR, OVERCLOCK, POST, PROPAGATION, PROTOCOL, REGISTRY, RESISTOR, RIPPLE, ROM, ROUTER, SDRAM, STATIC, SWITCH, TRANSISTOR, Use the following words to anwer and fill in the puzzle, AUDIOINPUTDEVICE, BDROMDRIVE, BDWRITER, BIOS, BLURAYDISC, CDWRITER, CHIPSET, CPU, DVD, DVDRAMDRIVE, DVDROMDRIVE, DVDWRITER, EXTERNALBUSES, FLOPPYDISK, GAMINGDEVICE, HARDWARE, IMAGESCANNER, INTERNALBUSES, KEYBOARD, MEMORYCARD, MEMORYCARDREADER, MICROPHONE, MONITOR, MOTHERBOARD, OUTPUTPRINTER, POINTINGDEVICES, POWERSUPPLY, RAM, REMOVABLEMEDIADEVICES, ROM, SOUNDCARD, SPEAKER, TOUCHSCREEN, TRACKBALL, USBFLASHDRIVE, WEBCAM, ADA, ALGOL, ASSEMBLY, BASIC, COBOL, DELPHI, FORTRAN, JAVA, LABVIEW, LOGO, PASCAL, PERL, PHP, PYTHON, SMALLTALK, VISUAL C, APPLICATION, CLICK, CLOSE, COMPUTER, DELETE, DESKTOP, DISK, DOCUMENTS, DRAG, EDIT, FILES, FLASH DRIVE, FOLDER, HARDWARE, ICONS, INPUT, KEYBOARD, MACINTOSH, MEGABYTES, MEMORY, MENU, MONITOR, MOUSE, OUTPUT, POINTER, RAM, RECYCLE, RESIZE, RESOLUTION, SAVE, SCREEN SHOT, SCROLL BAR, SOFTWARE, SOUND BAR, TRASH, WINDOWS, ADOBE, APPLE, BINARY, BOOT, BYTE, CLOUD, CPU, DATABASE, DESKTOP, DOCUMENT, EMAIL, FACEBOOK, FILE, FIREWALL, FOLDER, FOOTNOTE, GIGABITE, GMAIL, GOOGLE, HARD DRIVE, HARDWARE, HOMEPAGE, INSTALL, INTEL, KEYBOARD, LAPTOP, LINK, MAC, MALWARE, MICROSOFT, MODEM, MOTHERBOARD, MOUSE, NETWORK, OPERATING, PAGE, PIRACY, PLUGIN, PROGRAM, RECYCLE, SCAN, SOFTWARE, SPAM, SPREADSHEET, SPYWARE, SYSTEM, TERABYTE, UPDATE, USB, WINDOWS, CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT, EMACHINE, GATEWAY, HARD DRIVE, HEWLETT PACKARD, INSPIRON, KEYBOARD, MEMORY, MICROSOFT, MODEM, MOTHER BOARD, MOUSE, POWER SUPPLY, PRESARIO, PRINTER, SCREEN, SPEAKER, TOSHIBA, VIDEO CARD, WINDOWS VISTA, AMINATION, BIOS, BROWSER, BUZZER, CPU, CROPPING, DESKTOP, DOCUMENT, FORMULA, GRAPHIC TABLET, HARDWARE, ICONS, INPUT, IPAD, IPHONE, KEYBOARD, KEYPAD, MAINFRAME, MODEM, NETWORK, OUTPUT, PALMTOP, PDA, PRINTERS, PROCESSING, PROJECTOR, PROJETORS, SCANNER, SEARCH ENGINE, SENSOR, SLIDE, SOFTWARE, TABLE, TABLET, TEXT WRAP, UPS, USB, WORD WRAP, WORKBOOK, WORKSHEET, BASIC, C, CACHE, FACEBOOK, FORTRAN, GATEWAY, HARD DRIVE, JAVA, JAVASCRIPT, KEYBOARD, LINUX, MEMORY, MODEM, MOUSE, PASCAL, PERL, PHP, PYTHON, RUBY, TOSHIBA, VISTA, VISUAL BASIC, ALGORITHM, ANALOG, APPLICATION, BANDWIDTH, BITMAP, BOOKMARK, BROWSER, BUFFER, CACHE, CLOUD, COMPUTER, COOKIE, DASHBOARD, DATABASE, DESKTOP, DIGITAL, DISC, DOMAIN, ENCRYPTION, FIREWALL, FLASHDRIVE, FORMAT, GIGABYTE, HARDWARE, HYPERLINK, INTERFACE, KEYBOARD, LAPTOP, LOGIN, MAINFRAME, MEMORY, NETWORK, NOTEBOOK, OFFLINE, ONLINE, OPERATINGSYSTEM, PASSWORD, PORTAL, PROGRAMMER, PROTOCOL, QUEUE, REBOOT, ROUTER, SCREENSHOT, TEMPLATE, TERMINAL, UPLOAD, UTILITY, WEB, Find 8 devices you can connect to the Internet, IPAD, KINDLE, LAPTOP, PRINTER, SMARTPHONE, TABLET, TV, XBOX, ADVANCED, AUTO, CABLE, CAMERA, CARD, COMPACT, CROPPING, CRYSTAL, DIGITAL, DIMENSION, DISPLAY, DPI, EDITING, ELECTRONIC, FIXED, FOCUS, FORMAT, IMAGE, LEN, LIQUID, MANUAL, MEGAPIXEL, MEMORY, OPTICAL, PARALLAX, PHOTOGRAPHER, PIXEL, PORT, PPI, RULE, SCREEN, SINGLE, ULTRA, USB, VIEWFINDER, ZOOM, ACTIVE, ALGEBRAIC, ANALYSIS, CATEGORY, CESIUM, CRYSTAL, FORWARD, FUNCTION, GADOLINIUM, IMAGE, IODIDE, LAYER, LIGHT, NEEDLE, NORMALIZATION, OXYSULFIDE, PHOSPHOR, POSTPROCESSING, PREPROCESSING, PROCESSING, REFLECTIVE, RESCALING, SEND, STAGE, TURBID, UNIFORMITY, ADWARE, DIGITAL SECURITY, DNS, HACKER, HARDWARE, MALWARE, MESH, PHISHING, SOFTWARE, SPYWARE, STANDALONE, STAR, SWITCH, TOPOLOGY, URL, VIRUS, ADVANCEMENT, AERIAL, AIRCRAFT, ALARM, ANTAGONIZE, AREA, AUTO PILOT, BATTLE, BUDGET, CAMERA, CAPABILITY, CLANDESTINE, DEMONSTRATION, DEPLOY, DEVICE, EARTH, EFFORTS, ETHICAL, EXPERIMENTAL, FLIGHT, FOOTAGE, GOVERNMENT, HARM, HIGH ALTITUDE, HOVER, IDENTIFICATION, INNOVATIVE, INTELLIGENCE, INVADE, LAUNCH, LEGAL, LENS, MISSILE, NAVIGATE, OVERHEAD, PRIVACY, PROBLEMATIC, QUESTIONS, REGULATION, REMOTE, SECRECY, SURVEILLANCE, TECHNOLOGY, TRACKING, VIOLATION, Find the words associated with Electrocardiography, ARTIFACTS, BLOW FLOW, CARDIAC ACTIVITY, CARDIAC CYCLE, CARDIAC EVENT MONITOR, ECG, EKG, ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY, ELECTRODES, GAMMA RAYS, HEART, HEART RATE, HEART RHYTHM, HOLTER MONITOR, INTERCOSTAL SPACE, ISCHEMIC, LEADS, MIDCLAVICULAR LINE, MOBILE CARDIAC TELEMETRY, PACEMAKERS, PERFUSION, POLARITY, PQRST WAVES, QRS, RECORDING, STERNAL BORDER, STRESS TEST, THALLIUM, TRACINGS, TWELVE LEAD ECG. This packet would be perfect as bell ringers, sub plans, and for early finishers. Subjects: Computer Science - Technology. printer is the computer's main circuit board motherboard your system's short-term memory RAM where your software, documents, and other files are stored hard drive is the most important software that runs on a computer. Find all of the words hidden in the letter grid which relate to Computer Terms. Techopedia has one of the web's most comprehensive computer dictionaries. Try to find them as a quick as you can. USB An disk that contains usually a video recording or computer data. It is related to assistive technology, which consists of products and services that would allow people with disabilities to use existing technology to accomplish tasks. Basic Computer Terminology Word Search Puzzle Games - Computers are used in everyday life. All Rights Reserved. The words are hidden in all directions making this a challenging word search. Menu. No … Technology Word Searches. Computer Terms Word Search... Teachers Pay Teachers is an online marketplace where teachers buy and sell original educational materials. Adaptive technology is a set of tools or products created to help people with disabilities in order for them to work efficiently and productively. keyboard A small device that is connected to a computer that you move with your hand to help you click on items on the computer screen. Other Puzzles. Download / Print Puzzle Puzzle Settings Game Theme Report a bug. notes A small picture on a computer screen that represents a program or function that can be opened. ... SAFETY ADVISORS, SCIENCE, SECURITY, TECHNICIAN, TECHNOLOGY, ZOOLOGISTS ... Find your vocabulary terms in the puzzle box below! Description. Email. table or the Central Processing Unit is the component of a computer system that processes and exchanges data with the peripherals. Search horizontally, vertically and diagonally for all 20 words, put your … First, find the words in the puzzle. Computer terms, dictionary, and glossary. This word search, “Computer Terms,” was created using the My Word Search puzzle maker. It’s hard getting your resume in front of a hiring manager. Specific terms are standard and are the characteristic features of every type of machine. Drag you mouse over the words to highlight them. Play this fun Computers wordsearch! … Browse: Browse terms alphabetically, by category, or by tech factor. notes A small picture on a computer screen that represents a program or function that can be opened. Word Search Maker More Puzzles Search. printer An electronic device that can intensify speeches, music, etc., and made audible throughout a room, hall, or the like. The internet is a vast interconnection of computer networks that comprises millions of computing devices. reboot A special kind of cord that enables you to connect a computer to another device. Mouse is used to print documents, photos, and anything else that appears on your screen. ANDRE MARIE AMPERE, ELECTROMAGNETIC INDUCTION, FARADAYS LAW, FELIX SAVART, GALVANOMETER, GENERATORS, HEINRICH FRIEDRICH LENZ, INDUCED CURRENT, INDUCTANCE, JEAN BAPTISTE BIOT, JOSEPH HENRY, LENZ LAW, MAGNETIC FIELD, MICHAEL FARADAY, OERSTED DISCOVERY, PRIMARY COIL, SECONDARY COIL, STEP DOWN TRANSFORMERS, STEP UP TRANSFORMERS, TRANSFORMERS, APP, BIG SCREEN, BLUERAY, CALL OF DUTY, CDROM, COMPUTER, DIGITAL, HEADPHONES, IPOD, KEYBOARD, LAPTOP, MACBOOK, MOUSE, MUSIC, NINTENDO, PLAYER, PLAYSTATION, SAMSUNG, SCREEN, SMARTPHONE, SONY, STEREO, TELEVISION, VIDEOGAME, VINCE SUCKS, WII, ANTI FREEZE, BEARINGS, BIG END, BLOCKAGE, BORE, BYPASS VALVE, CAM SHAFT, CHAIN, COMPRESSOR, CONTAMINATION, COOLING, CORE PLUG, CORROSION, CRANK CASE, CRANK SHAFT, EXPANSION TANK, FILTER, FLOW TESTING, GALLERY, GEARS, HEAD GASKET, HYDRAULIC, INTERVAL, JOURNAL, LEAKS, LITTLE END, LUBRICATION, MATRIX, OIL COOLER, OIL PUMP, OVERHEATING, PISTON, PRESSURE CAP, PRESSURE SWITCH, PRESSURE TESTING, PRV, RADIATOR, REFRACTOMETER, SAE, SLUDGE, STRAINER, SUMP, SYNTHETIC, TEMPERATURE, THERMOSTAT, TIMING, VENTILATION, VISCOSITY, VISCOUS FAN, WATER PUMP, AREA, CONDUCTIVITY, CONDUCTORS, CONNECTING WIRE, COPPER, CROSS SECTIONAL AREA, GOLD, INSULATORS, KIND OF MATERIALS, LENGTH, NICKEL, RESISTANCE, RESISTIVITY, RESISTORS, RHEOSTAT, RHO, SILVER, SUPER CONDUCTORS, TEMPERATURE, VARIABLE RESISTOR, CAMERA ANGLES, CLIMAX, COLOURS, COMPLICATION, CREDITS, DIALOGUE, FADE IN, FADE OUT, LIGHTING, ORIENTATION, PLOT, RESOLUTION, SCORE, TITLE, TRANSITIONS, VOICE OVER, AERODYNAMIC, AILERON, AIRFOIL, AIRPLANE, ALTITUDE, BIPLANE, COCKPIT, CRUISE, DRAG, EARHART, ELEVATORS, ENGINE, FLAPS, FUSELAGE, GRAVITY, JET, LANDING GEAR, LIFT, LINDBERGH, MONTGOLFIER, PITCH, ROLL, RUDDER, SPEED OF SOUND, SPOILERS, STABILIZER, TAIL, TAKEOFF, THRUST, TURBULENCE, WEIGHT, WINGS, WRIGHT BROTHERS, ACTIVITY, CAN COMMENT, CAN EDIT, CAN VIEW, CLOUD, COMMENTER, EDITOR, EXPLORE, FOLDERS, FOOTER, FOOTNOTES, GOOGLE DOCS, GRID VIEW, HEADER, LANDSCAPE, LIST VIEW, MY DRIVE, OWNER, PAGE BREAK, PARAGRAPH STYLES, PORTRAIT, PRIVATE, PUBLIC, QUICK SEARCH BOX, RECENT, SHARED FOLDER, SHARED WITH ME, STARRED, SUBFOLDERS, TEXT ALIGNMENT, TRASH, VERSION HISTORY, VIEWER, COST, DAMAGE, DANGEROUS, DRIVING, EFFECTIVE, EFFICIENT, EVALUATE, FUNCTION, HAMMER, HAND, INFERIOR, INFORMATION, MACHINE, NAIL, OPERATE, POWER, PROPERLY, QUALITY, RESULT, SELECT, SIZE, SMALL, TIME, TOOL, TYPE, WORK, WORTH, AWL, CLAMP, DRILL, FILE, GOGGLES, HAMMER, NAIL, NEEDLENOSE, PLANE, PLIERS, SAW, SCREW, SCREWDRIVER, TAPEMEASURE, WRENCH, ARTHUR TREACHERS, BASE, COHESION, COLD, COMPOUND, ELEMENT, FISH, ORANGEJUICE, POLAR, SUNNY, THEORY, AIR, ASSEMBLY, ATOMIZED, AUTOMOBILE, BASIC, BLOCK, BREATHE, CENTRE, CHEMICAL, CLOSED, COMBUSTION, COMPRESSED, COMPRESSION, CRANK, CYLINDER, DIESEL, EFFECTIVELY, ENERGY, ENGINE, EXHAUST, FITTED, FUEL, INJECTOR, INLET, LINEAR, MANKIND, MECHANICAL, MECHANISM, MOTION, MOVE, PISTON, POSITION, PRESSURE, PRODUCING, RELEASE, ROD, ROTARY, ROTATIONAL, SLIDER, STROKE, SUCTION, TEMPERATURE, THERMAL, TOP, TRANSFERRED, TRANSFORM, VALVE, WORK, AMAZON, APPLE, CHROME, FACEBOOK, FIREFOX, GOOGLE, INSTAGRAM, INTERNET, ONLINE, PHONE, PICTURE, SAFARI, SAMSUNG, SCREEN, SNAPCHAT, TECHNOLOGY, TV, TWITTER, VIDEOGAME, WIFI, ACCESS, CELL, CHART, CLASSROOM, COLUMN, COPY, DRIVE, EXCEL, FONT, FORMULA, GATORS, GOOGLE, GREENVALLEY, GWAM, HOMEROW, MICROSOFT, MICROTYPE, OFFICE, PASTE, POWERPOINT, PUBLISHER, ROW, SPELLCHECK, TABLE, WORD, AIRCRAFT, CAR, CELL PHONE, COMPUTER, KODAC BOX CAMERA, LASER, LIGHT BULB, LOCOMOTIVE, MICROCHIP, NEWSPRINT, PENICILLIN, PERSONAL STEREO, PLASTIC, PORTABLE CALCULATOR, RADIO, SNOWMOBILE, TELEPHONE, TELEVISION, WORLD WIDE WEB, ZIPPER, ACTION, AIRCRAFT, AIRLINE, BEACH, BEAM, COMMERCIAL, CONTROLLING, COPY, CRIMINAL, DIFFICULT, DIRECT, EVENT, FINE, FLIGHT, GOVERNMENT, GROUND, INCIDENT, INVESTIGATION, JULY, JUNE, LASER, PAST, PILOT, POINT, RECENTLY, RECORD, REPEATEDLY, RESIDENT, SPOTTED, SUPERVISED, ADDITIVES, ANTIFOAMING, ANTIOXIDANT, ANTIWEAR, BOUNDARY, CONSUMTION, CONTAMINATION, COOLER, DETERGENTS, DISPERSANTS, DRY, FILTER, FULLFLOW, HYDRODYNAMIC, LEAKS, LUBRICANT, MINERAL, MULTIGRADE, NATURAL, ORGANIC, PRESSURE, PUMP, SYNTHETIC, TEMPERATURE, VISCOSITY, WET, BATTERIES, CABLE, CUT, HAMMER, JOIN, LIFT, MACHINE, MAINS, PLIERS, PLUG, POWER STATION, SAW, SCREWDRIVER, SOCKET, SOLAR ENERGY, SPANNER, SWITCH, TOOL, TURBINE, INTERMIX, IRON, KNUCKLE THREAD, LEAD, LIMIT GAUGE, LOCKING PLIERS, LUG, MEASURING STICK, MELT, MICROMETER, MONKEY WRENCH, NAIL, PILLAR DRILL, PIN WRENCH, PISTON, PLASTIC TIP, PLIERS, PULLER, PUNCH, RADIATOR, RATCHET, REAM, REAR, RIGID, RING WRENCH, SANDWICH SHEET METALS, SCRAPE, SCRAPER, SCREWDRIVER, SEPARATOR, SERRATED LOCK WASHER, SET, SHAFT, SHAFT THREAD, SLEDGE HAMMER, SLIDE CALIPER, SLIDE HAMMER, SOCKET KEY, SOFTNESS, SOLDER, SOLDER GUN, SOLDERING IRON, SPANNER, SPRING LOCK WASHERS, SPRING WASHER, STEEL, STUD BOLT, TAPER, TENSILE STRENGTH, TOGGLE, AEROSPACE, APPLICATION, AUTOMOBILE, BIOGASS, BUMPER, CHEMICAL, DRILLING, ENERGY, ENGINE, ENTROPY, FLUID, HEAT, LATHE, MATERIAL, MECHANICAL, MECHANICS, METAL, MIXTURE, MOTOR, NUCLEAR, OPTIMIZATION, PLANT, POWER, RADIATION, REFRIGERATION, RENEWABLE, SCIENCE, SHAPER, SHEET, SOLAR, SOLUTION, STEADY, TECHNOLOGY, THERMAL, THERMODYNAMICS, TRANSIENT, WASTE, WIND, WORK, WORKSHOP. Search: Search within definitions using the Advanced Search. icons We have prepared a wonderful word search puzzle game about technology vocabulary. This is an alphabetical list of notable technology terms. Download / Print Puzzle Puzzle Settings Game Theme Report a … The following puzzle has some words to find out. 1. Keys where you can find the images on your electronic device. Spam Select the word by clicking and dragging the mouse over it. Jan 17, 2018 - Your students will enjoy looking for all of the computer vocabulary words hidden in this puzzle worksheet. Ratio, Proportion and Percents Crossword Puzzle It is an electronic mail, in which the user can send and receive messages through the internet. Find the word listed in the puzzle by connecting the letters using colored pen. APPLICATION BOOT UP COMPUTER CPU FILES FOLDERS FUNCTION GRAPHICS HARD DRIVE HARDWARE ICONS KEYBOARD LOG IN MEMORY MONITOR MOTHERBOARD MOUSE MOUSE PAD PRINTER PROCESSOR SHORTCUTS SHUT DOWN SOFTWARE UPGRADE USB PORT. Commonly known as a pointing device. More than just a glossary, each term page goes into further detail with insights, real world examples and great related resources. folders A brief comment or explanation. Technology terms vocabulary, Technology terms word list - a free resource used in over 40,000 schools to enhance vocabulary mastery & written/verbal skills with Latin & Greek roots. To view or print a Business And Work word search puzzle click on its title. Add, edit, delete clues, and customize this puzzle. It manages the computer's memory and processes, as well as all of its software and hardware. Technology Word Search. Browse through our list of over 15,000 computer terms and definitions using the above search, browsing by letter, or by clicking one of the links below. motherboard are on a keyboard to help you enter information on the computer. Top Searched Keywords: Lists of the Most Popular Google Search Terms across Categories. SEO, or search engine optimisation, is the practice of making adjustments to certain aspects of a website in an effort to improve its ranking on search engines. Give it your best shot to see how many of the technology words you can find in this free puzzle game. Desktop computers, mainframes, smartphones, tablets, GPS units, video game consoles, and smart devices all connect to the internet. Grades: 2 nd, 3 rd, 4 th, 5 th, 6 th, 7 th, 8 th. For, in this research study of ours, we bring you the most searched keyword terms on Google. Keyboard another important tool for communicating with computers. Hardware any set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do and how to do it Softwarwe the metal and plastic box that contains the main components Computer Case one of the main ways to communicate with a computer. You can use this technology to send emails, text messages, and pictures to friends and relatives. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Conditions. Computer Terms For 2nd Grade Word Search Puzzle Games - Every computer follows specific commands to allow the computer used to access or perform the tasks. resolution sound bar screen shot memory flash drive monitor output input windows trash system files hardware software scroll bar save resize recycle bin ram pointer operating system mouse menu macintosh megahertz megabytes list view keyboard folder edit drag double click icons files documents disk space directory dialog box desktop delete crash cpu computer close click application, software hardware cloud CPU keyboard monitor speaker mouse pad tablet computer printer laptop drive flashdrive mouse DVD CD floppy disk, data designer digital power point access word excel eathernet windows motherboard codes modem cable java administrator user desktop laptop keyboard mouse games disc drive usb spam email pc mac network skype speakers scanner cpu screen monitor image internet application hardware url edit save megabyte folder output virus chip text google jpeg online run, WHAT IS THE SCREEN OF A COMPUTER CALLED MONITOR WHAT DO YOU TYPE ON TO MAKE WORDS APPEAR ON THE MONITOR KEYBOARD WHAT DO YOU USE TO NAVIGATE AROUND YOUR COMPUTER MOUSE WHAT DEVICE ALLOWS YOU TO MAKE A PAPER COPY OF THE INFORMATION ON YOUR COMPUTER PRINTER WHAT DEVICE MAKES SOUND FROM YOUR COMPUTER AUDIBLE SPEAKER WHAT IS A SET OF FACTS OR FIGURES SYSTEMATICALLY DISPLAYED, ESPECIALLY IN COLUMNS TABLE WHAT PART OF A COMPUTER EXECUTES ALL GIVEN COMMANDS CPU WHAT IS THE MOST PRIMARY PART OF A COMPUTER MOTHERBOARD WHAT ALLOWS YOU TO TYPE ON THE KEYBOARD KEYS WHERE ARE THE IMAGES YOU CHOOSE, OR WANT TO SEE, DISPLAYED SCREEN WHAT TOOL(s) COMPRISES A COMPUTER SYSTEM HARDWARE WHAT CATEGORY DOES GOOGLE FALL INTO BROWSER WHAT ORGANIZES ALL OF YOUR COMPUTERS INFORMATION FOLDERS WHAT CATEGORY DO COMMENTS/ OPINIONS FALL UNDER NOTES WHAT REPRESENTS A COMMAND ON YOUR DEVICE ICON WHAT WORD DESCRIBES RESTARTING YOUR DEVICE REBOOT WHAT ITEM IS ESSENTIAL FOR CONNECTING EXTERNAL DEVICES TO YOUR COMPUTER USB WHAT CIRCULAR DISK HOLDS LARGE AMOUNTS OF DATA DVD WHAT WORD DESCRIBES HOW YOU WOULD ELECTRONICALLY RETREIVE DATA SEARCH, A screen that displays an image that is being generated by a computer. Computer Terms. Technology Vocabulary Term Word Searches $ 4.50 Students can keep their technology vocabulary terms in mind by completing word searches. Computer Words. Browser A group of files or documents that are stored together by a title on your computer. Technology Dictionary. Tes Global Ltd is registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office … A great activity for early finishers or just for something fun to take home and enjoy.The 35 hidden computer … It also allows you to communicate with the computer without knowing how to speak the computer's language operating system What id a shorter term for Wireless Internet Connection Wifi is a type of software that allows you to perform specific tasks app llows you to write a letter, design a flyer, and create many other types of documents word proccessor the tool you use to access the Internet web browser any type of software that is designed to damage your computer or gain unauthorized access to your personal information Malware measured in megahertz (MHz), or millions of instructions per second; and gigahertz (GHz), or billions of instructions per second. Do you have what it takes to find the range of words related to the exciting world of gadgets, advanced science and cutting edge discoveries? A list of computer parts and software are mixed up within this grid. Helps students to become familiar with the terms associated with the computer and helps them to understand the meaning. It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data Computer any part of your computer that has a physical structure, such as the keyboard or mouse. monitor The set of keys that are used to type words on a computer or typewriter. Learning Resources (Word Search Puzzle): Tech Vocabulary Word Search (technology - K8 - technology terms crossword - technology wordsearch) - Find the technology terms. Types of computers and its components Word Search. How well do you know the parts of the computer? DVD To look up something. Print copies for an entire class. Clicking on the words will display their places. The economic downturn, coupled with an increase in technology, can make it feel like you are sending your resume into a void, never to hear back. All items below are categorized by their difficulty level and target audience so you can pick the perfect level of fun and education. speed When you save a file, the data is written to the hard drive, which acts as long-term storage is responsible for what you see on the monitor video card also called an audio card—is responsible for what you hear in the speakers or headphones sound card. We put them in alphabetical order and show the words hidden in the grid so you can quickly page through the list and find one that meets your needs.

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