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Jesus says that we may be doing just as much as the publicans (tax-collectors), and these are the people who were despised by society for their greed and dishonesty. If youre feeling discouraged, stuck, or limited, read through these quotes and verses and feel encouraged and strengthened! It makes us think along these lines:As long as my own needs are being met, my own rights are not being violated, and I am getting along comfortably with everyone, there is nothing else that I need to be too concerned about.. Frank Jenner spoke with tears running down. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. Hatred stirs up strife, But love covers all transgressions. One outstanding example is found in the life of David at the time when King Saul was pursuing him with the intention of killing him. Do all things without grumbling or disputing, 15 that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the If you are truly a child of God His resemblance will be seen in you. Frank Jenners life is a wonderful testimony of how God can use the loving efforts of one man to bring so many people to Christ for salvation. The Pastor asked him, How did you come to Christ? He said, I worked for the Indian diplomatic mission. Topics and verses are auto-generated from user searches. May the Lord give us all this kind of love for all His people, as well as for those who have yet to become His people! Most people tend to be interested only in their own concerns. Paul wrote to the believers in Corinth that he had promised God that he would work hard to present them to their husband, Christ, as a pure virgin with sincere That apathy is abnormal. New International Version (NIV). The love we have must therefore be a sacrificial love. He says that youneed to go the extra mile. Mailbox Club Bible Correspondence Courses. I quit Hinduism immediately, and began to study for the ministry.. But true love has no limits. He wouldnt listen to me. God loves you because He loves you. Creation, existing within the limits of time and space, cannot rival, much less fully articulate, the splendors of a limitless God. Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you. I must admit that I have failed many times to love without limits, and I need to keep surrendering my own selfish will to God so that His love can flow through me. And now there are at least 15 people from that remote village who have professed faith in Christ through Pui Mengs ministry. Have we not also done many of the things we ought to do merely to ease our conscience, or to fulfil our obligation as Christians? But someone may say, Yes, they are zealous for good works, but what is the motive for their works? Here is a true story about loving people enough to give them the gospel. We are commanded to love our neighbour. 4 Love is patient, love is kind. All rights reserved worldwide. And my pastor led me to Jesus just three years ago., Later on, Pastor Dixon spoke at a convention to over a thousand navy chaplains. What kind of love does God have? Perhaps there may be someone who has done things against you which you consider to be unforgiveable. But how can we do this? Love has good manners and does not pursue selfish advantage. This is also known as His infinity. We can express His infinity in that He is not limited to either space, or time. David and his men were hiding inside a cave. Love Without Limits. I want you to see what it means to love as God loves, because the Bible says, God is love (1 John 4:16). When his teaching series was over, the senior elder took him out for a meal. Love is not possessive. (Infinity) The Attributes of God That Belong to Him Alone Question 6 The Bible says that God is without limits. Arent they doing these good works to earn their salvation? We are to show love not only to our friends and neighbours, but even to strangers as well. Peter said, I just moved into this area, I came from Sydney, Australia. But instead of doing this, He shows repeated and prolonged favour on all. Are we not told Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy?.

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