venus trine south node transit

The transit of Venus with the, Saturn Transit on Natal Venus: Re-evaluate the…, Venus-True Lunar Node Aspects in Synastry Chart: Do…, Venus-Venus Aspects in Synastry Chart: The loving…, Archangel Jeremiel - The Angel Of Emotions, Moon-True Lunar Node Aspects in Synastry Chart: The…, Venus Transits Conjunct with Natal North Node, Venus Transits Trine with Natal North Node, Venus Transits Sextile with Natal North Node, Venus Transits Opposite with Natal North Node, Venus Transits Square with Natal North Node, Venus Transits Quincunx with Natal North Node. You could even become infatuated with someone who embodies your vision of success. Interpretations written by Annie Heese, unless otherwise noted. Your affections stabilize and mature. Lightness, humor, and good times shared are the focus for you now. Sometimes, first dates occur during this transit. Try to avoid self-pity unless it eventually motivates you to pull you out of a lull. You may not see eye to eye with a loved one, and you could be taken off guard by unexpected events. Your views and understanding of love and relationship will change at this moment. Pluto Transits Conjunct with Natal North Node. The void Moon occurs from 6:32 AM EST, with the Moon’s last aspect before changing signs (a square to Mars), until the Moon enters Virgo at 12:07 PM EST. You are feeling passionate, warm, expressive, lively, and sexy. People may appear cool with their affections and emotionally distant. A serious matter on your mind could sap the fun out of your day. Venus day. Others find you attractive and enjoyable to be with. Romantic infatuations, gossip, unanticipated opportunities socially or financially are all possibilities. Venus conjunct Moon Every aspect of your life will come into alignment with your purpose. You’re simply not in any mood for hard work. In this article, you can learn about Neptune conjunct the north node in the natal chart, in synastry, and in transit.. You lose your fear of taking risks in love and social situations. We are especially attuned to the world. If there is someone you have wanted to reach out to, doing so now is likely to create warm feelings between you, and may be the start of something beautiful. You are itching for a change now on a social or romantic level. The following is the New Moon astrological chart wheel for the Pisces New Moon in 2021. This is the first article in a two-part series exploring north node aspects. People are more willing to socialize with you. An intense emotional or sexual attraction, a very revealing, intimate encounter, or a powerful desire to be close to and share your deepest feelings with someone is very likely now. The cosmic forces have imbued you with excellent potential to establish and further the harmony around you. My name is Karen, for 19+ years my career as a psychic medium, a professional astrologer, and a spiritual advisor has given me the fulfillment to be able to help others in simple ways using the advantage of my abilities. Venus square Neptune The Full Moon. Mercury has left its post-retrograde shadow/zone. Efforts to improve your appearance run well. Note that the South Node is included here but it’s not written as such; Pluto Opposite the North Node – for example – is Pluto conjunct the South Node. You appreciate the subtleties of human interactions now, and you could notice some interesting synchronicities occurring in your own relationships or with your personal finances. Your feelings are intense and impassioned, but not in an offensive or destructive way. Creative inspiration can be had now. Perhaps you have feelings for someone in this period. Inner unrest could lead you on a shopping spree or some other attempt to reward yourself, when what you really need is to work on establishing a deeper connection with the people you love–or to get in touch with your own true needs. It’s easy to act upon your social and romantic needs simultaneously–and successfully! You will discover your creative strengths and your life’s purpose. The focus is on one-to-one relationships. 25febOverview of the DayFebruary 25, 2021Daily Overview(Overview of the Day: thursday) EST Event Type :Daily Overview, Thursday, FEBRUARY 25 Jealousies are possible. Sexual tensions and competitiveness are possible, and there can be conflicts that arise from differences between romantic and sexual needs. You keep others at arm’s length, unsure of whether you are loved or not. You now have detached yourself from your insecurities and self-doubt, which is influenced by a terrible experience. Your partner will let you see a different side of love, wherein it is full of happiness, acceptance, and tenderness. This facilitates forgiveness and healing. Venus opposition Ascendant The following is the New Moon astrological chart wheel for the Pisces New Moon in 2021. This is not a favorable aspect for beauty treatments because they could have unexpected results. Mars enters Gemini You are more willing, yielding, and compromising than you are typically. In fact, it can be stimulating, creative, and invigorating. Despite not being an actual celestial body, the north node is very important in astrology. This is an excellent resource for outer planet transits: Jupiter through Pluto. The Aquarius New Moon cycle ends and the Pisces New Moon cycle begins. The sudden awareness of a lack in our lives provides us with a golden opportunity to explore our emotional needs. Venus conjunct Ascendant Venus sextile Midheaven The New Moon in Pisces is a good time to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Fish. Venus sextile Jupiter This Full Moon harmonizes with Uranus, suggesting an easy acceptance of change and progress now. (Even for progressed composite) 2) My romantic interest and I both share IC conjunct north node (1 deg orb) in our natal charts and our north nodes exact sextile (21 taurus and 21 Pisces). Passive responses to life work better for you during this period than aggressive ones. This is a good time to ask for a raise or the support you need, and you might see some success on a financial level. These negative self-talks will hinder you from pursuing your goals for fear of being not good enough and failure. The Full Moon is a time of culmination and the promise of fulfillment of that which was started at the New Moon. Personal magnetism at a high! Rather, Pisces sees all the colors of the rainbow. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. Let your feelings and affections flow. Unclear desires. Transiting Mars was exactly conjunct her natal Mars- ruler of her 8 th house of “unearned wealth”. If you always think negative thoughts, you emit negative vibration, which can be detected by the Universe. This New Moon is especially creative and romantic with its alignment to Venus and Neptune. You are more open and trusting of friends and lovers, and they of you. This is a good time to baby yourself and also to spend time with the people who love and appreciate you the most. This Full Moon urges us to strike a balance between work and service, practicality and impracticality, criticism and acceptance. Venus conjunct Neptune Venus conjunct Saturn Gentleness with others is the best way to harness this energy. The Leo Moon is playful and proud, although it can be all too easy for frustrations or impatience to interfere with our goals or moods. If you are spending the day alone, pampering yourself makes a lot of sense. The attraction is through the roof with this placement. This is a good time for financial undertakings involving electronics, technology, the internet, metaphysics, and the arts, as well as group activities. You are motivated by the desire to strike a balance in your relationships and in your environment. This is a sociable, perhaps lazy and self-indulgent, time. Aiding someone financially or spiritually is bound to boost your own spirits. Others more openly express their affection for you right now. You are unlikely to be coming on strong and trying to make things happen, but instead are inclined to flow along with people and situations, attracting what you need and letting the world come to you. You are especially creative (and procreative!) Manipulative behavior, fear of betrayal, and power struggles are possible. Progressed Uranus conjunct natal and progressed Transpluto (15‘orb), Transiting Uranus and Neptune semi-sextile natal Saturn and quincunx natal Moon. Mercury now reaches 26° Aquarius 29′. You are charming, personable, and reasonable. She specializes in numerology, tarot and oracle cards, twin flames, zodiac, horoscope, dreams interpretation, and astrology. Don’t pass up a social opportunity now. You may be interested in purchasing objects of beauty or adornment. Relationships could prove expensive. In order to fully open your heart for a new love or relationship, you need to heal yourself first. Rather, it’s likely to take the form of pouting, distancing, and side-stepping the real issue. Social blunders are a possibility now. This influence is generally favorable for commerce, and it sometimes indicates a job-related social function. Compromise requires some effort. An event involving a male in your life figures now. Mentally, you may not be as disciplined as usual, as you prefer to chat with others and to think about more “pleasant” things than work. You may sense a strong intuitive attraction with each other. The same goes for finances–what appears to be a great buy is likely to turn out to be a financial drain or money pit. Your understanding of balance, harmony and relationships is about to change in a drastic way. You are easily influenced, seducible and seductive, and given to strong powers of imagination. Venus sextile Moon You are sociable, in the mood to party, dramatic, extravagant, and inclined to overindulge as a result of this inner discontent and desire for more from life than the hum-drum. You are less spontaneous and more studied and deliberate now. Consideration for others, cheerfulness, and a positive attitude towards relationships are themes now. Something is a little off right now, and social blunders are more likely now than usual. When the transiting nodes meet the natal nodes, sometimes it can manifest in experiences or feelings that feel ‘fated’ in some way. This is a somewhat inhibiting influence when it appears that others value utility over true love. This Full Moon presses us to find a balance between day-to-day functions and routines, physical health, and the need for order (Virgo) and vision, spiritual health, and the infinite (Pisces). You also need to be surrounded by beauty and harmony and your artistic inclinations are stimulated now. Maturity in love. Also, job-related social functions may be part of the picture. With this potent Pisces energy, we have the chance to make important changes in our lives. Avoid starting a new relationship at this time, because it can be characterized by these energies. You are attracted to people with maturity, worldly wisdom, and a solid sense of values (perhaps an advisor, elder, or teacher), and are disinclined to frivolous activities or wasting your time. You may be separated from someone you want to be with, or you could be concerned for a loved one. The people around you have noticed the change in your behavior and way of saying. You could purchase something sexy for yourself or a gift for your lover. Avoid impulse buys at this time, and hold off on decision-making with regards to finances. Planets in contact with the lunar nodes give a lot … Read More About Karen Here. You see the very best in people now, and this eases your interactions and takes the pressure off in personal relationships. Right now, your best bet for personal success is expressing yourself sincerely and warmly. Jan 26 – 9:12 am – Neptune Square North Node Jan 28 – 2:16 pm – Full Moon in Leo Jan 30 – 10:51 am – Mercury Rx in Aquarius; February. You are more imaginative and attuned to the world of beauty and romance today. Your powers of attraction are heightened, and you are more likely to be the one who’s pursued. You might form permanent ties or relationships that prove to be fruitful and fortunate. Avoid new financial undertakings, as they may prove to be “money pits” as time passes. You are more sensitive than usual to subtleties in your personal environment, and all the more vulnerable as a result. We will look at what it means if one of your personal planets forms an aspect with your north node in a conjunction, opposition, square, trine, or sextile. You could stir up problems in order to fulfill a need for excitement. Venus in Pisces is tender and affectionate, although difficult to reach, as there is a longing for something hard to define and satisfy. Venus moves into sacrificing, compassionate Pisces, bringing sweet but sometimes escapist energy to our lives, especially our interactions and relationships, until March 21st. I have profound knowledge about Emotional Energy and Healing, Angels to Astrology, Meditation, Law of Attraction, Tarot, and Numerology. Mercury is in Pisces from March 15-April 3, 2021. If an existing relationship needs a boost, now is the time to put the extra effort forth. Venus square Pluto Venus trine Midheaven You need to feel united to the people you love. Be wary of making impulse purchases. The challenge for Venus in this period is that it needs to let go of the emotional baggage and past trauma from their previous relationship that still lingers in your heart. You need to break free from your mind’s restrictions and allow yourself to see a new and fresh perspective. Personal popularity. Again today, we’re more inclined than usual to believe in the power of the group and of words to convey our message. You will be more sentimental and more sociable than you normally are. It’s your Venus Return today, so be sure to surround yourself with positive thoughts, people, and affirmations, as this day can act as a “stamp” for the year or so ahead with regards to both relationships and personal finances. Discovering something new and relevant about a partner (or about your own romantic nature) could also figure. Romantic disappointments, unrequited love, separations, and broken engagements are the more negative manifestations. Challenges in relationships now are likely due to overblown expectations. Venus sextile Uranus Smoother negotiations are the result, and love is easier than usual to enjoy — and to find — today. It’s official! Socially smooth. Take this opportunity to express your feelings to people close to you—-you are more likely to be received well today than on other days. You began to see a clearer picture of your life’s purpose and mission. Be careful not to set yourself up for disappointment. Mercury is in Pisces from March 15-April 3, 2021. Avoid falling head over heels into relationships just for the sake of having company. This is a period when you easily find meaning in your social connections. You might overstate your feelings or promise more than you can deliver. A significant relationship such as a soul mate or someone with whom you have a … You feel as if your loved ones are trying to get in the way in achieving your goals. The Moon spends the day in the sign of particular, intelligent Virgo. A Sun-Saturn semi-sextile influence today is a subtly heavy influence, as we can find it a little difficult to enjoy ourselves thoroughly without a vague feeling that we may be neglecting a responsibility. We guess well, express ourselves with imagery, and make decisions intuitively. Venus trine Ascendant This can be an excellent time for finances and for relationships. This is the first time I’ve had a professional reading of my natal chart and found it a very liberating and enlightening experience. Karen is a psychic medium, a professional astrologer, and a spiritual advisor who has been in this career for 19+ years. Venus's transits to planets in the natal chart are brief influences, lasting approximately one to two days. Venus is in Pisces from February 25-March 21, 2021. Your love nature is strong, but given to extremes. Of course, we might want to exercise some care while doing so, knowing that what is coming out of us is not particularly rational as yet. Venus conjunct Venus We might arrive at creative solutions to problems and make happy improvements now. Love brings happiness and optimistic feelings. But there are other elements at play: The aspects they form with other planets in your birth chart. This transit sometimes correlates with feelings of rejection or unusual experiences in love. Your creativity and desire to make something beautiful is stimulated now. It is a good time to reflect, set priorities, enjoy simple pleasures, and appreciate quality time with yourself or with your chosen companion. Venus sextile Pluto Some sort of crisis (which can be a crisis of consciousness) or sudden awareness of a lack in our lives provides us with a golden opportunity to explore our emotional needs within the context of the house polarity where the Full Moon occurs in our natal charts. Questions about life and the future fill your mind with worries. With Venus Square North Node, a lot of artistic talents are brought over that often show up at an early age. Now you are enlightened on how your energies attract people and situations in your life. Opportunities to come together for a celebration, while not entirely trouble-free, will be beneficial overall. Gentleness with others is the best way to harness this energy. Business partnerships are likely to succeed, especially if dedicated to domestic matters (interior decorating, hair styling, fashion, etc.) Venus opposition Sun Venus acts to soothe and soften whatever it contacts. How to Predict Your Future: Secrets of Eastern and Western Astrology. Something touches you now, and you could discover something intimate and relevant about a partner or about your own love nature. Your offbeat, pleasant attitude is appreciated, noticed, and even adored. Venus trine Mercury This is a time when you could take great strides to get noticed. You are likely to attract positive things in your life. Keeping hold of these negative emotions inside of you makes your vibration turns negative. You are ready to experiment, but not necessarily ready to commit. Enjoying life’s pleasures. You are more open and trusting of friends and lovers. This is an eyes-wide-open time for our work, habits, health, and routines. This is actually a very positive time to meet the public or to increase your popularity and public image. Some laziness on a mental level is possible now. The Moon is in organized, fact-finding Virgo from 12:07 PM forward. You may sense a strong intuitive attraction with each other. You look, sound, and feel good, so take advantage! Manipulation and underhanded dealings can color relationships now. Sexual and romantic activities are favored today. Venus opposition Saturn This is a good time to go on first dates, schedule appointments, ask for a favor, make presentations, or apply for jobs, simply because you are coming across well. The Venus conjunct South Node composite chart situation is different from synastry in that the relationship itself as its very own unit will feel familiar and comfortable at first followed by a sense of lack of evolvement later on, while in synastry, it is usually the Venus person who will tend to hold back the South Node person. Alternate chart with additional bodies (Chiron, asteroids, Eris, etc. It is an emotional time – a time of romance, fertilization, and relationships. Things shouldn’t be forced, even though the desire to sway, coerce, and manipulate others may be present. With the goddess of love. Feelings of jealousy and possessiveness run so close to the surface that others can almost feel the heat, and they are in direct proportion to your fear of losing something or someone dear to you. Venus trine Sun Friendliness and optimism characterize this transit. Full Moon in Virgo chart: February 27, 2021. You are able to maintain a harmonious state, even in very discordant circumstances. If circumstances call for an aggressive or forthright approach, you are more inclined to shy away or to fumble.

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