why is demodocus important

Homer - Homer - Modern inferences: Modern scholars agree with the ancient sources only about Homer’s general place of activity. Trees are an important part of our natural world and help purify the air, water, and soil. Why vaccines are important? Entrepreneurs Create New Businesses. Why is Culture Important and How Does it Influence People? At dinner, after the sun had gone down, Odysseus asks Demodocus to sing his third song. 1 See answer 24fkoning is waiting for your help. They save human effort and time to a great extent and make life easy and comfortable. As you’ve probably noticed idioms help us express the exact same idea in a more efficient and creative way. Excellent news, particularly for those of us who have spent almost three decades dedicated to the matter; and it is that we have always missed that the main challenge facing Humanity in the coming decades has had only marginal appearances in the media. 5 Reasons Why Work Experience is Important. The Odyssey, an epic poem by Homer, tells the tale of war hero Odysseus and his long journey home to Ithaca after the Trojan War.Odysseus is known for his wit, craft, and cunning, traits he uses to escape danger and eventually return to Ithaca. There are many reasons why forests are an important feature for the environment and in our daily lives.They are fundamental life forms and provide for josepacheco597401 josepacheco597401 Answer: Homer, maybe, since he is a blind bard. Was Homer a real person? Demodocus first appears at a feast in the hall of Alcinous, after he approved that Odysseus should be provided with a ship for a safe passage home. Green Office Engro/CC-BY 2.0. Explain why the figure of the bard, Demodocus, is important. It was extremely base of him to desert you in your time of need. In Homer's "The Odyssey," , Demodocus is a blind poet or storyteller who often visits the court of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians on the island of Scherie. Demodocus is a poet who often visits the court of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians on the island of Scherie. Scholars are uncertain whether he existed. If you don't have an idea proposed then you have asked them for support in some way, you need to effectively explain why they should help you. Book I 1. Skip main navigation. 5. if you check a map, you can see the routes. Everyone enjoys the singing except for Odysseus who bursts into tears because of the pain and suffering of which the song reminds him. Email allows people to foster long-lasting, long-distance communication. When determining your angle, ask the following questions: What happened or will happen? Have a nice day :)), Explanation: You plan a letter in 7 steps. In the myth of demeter persephone and hades what happens when demeter learns tha... At one point in the memoir, the ship strikes a rock and begins to leak. Because Demodocus sings about the Trojan War and remembering the long war makes Oddyseus all sad. For the first question, it would be A. Why are the stories Demodocus tells important to the story? 6. Why is culture important? There's nothing new about hackers breaking into systems, or fraudulent acts, like identity theft and piracy, in the cyberspace. There are scenes of feasting abound throughout both Spirited Away and the Odyssey where the essential nature of food is demonstrated, both as a form of sustenance and an essential aspect of social… The word traditional is important in the phrase oral traditional epic (or literature), implying, as it does, a depth of meaning set into that literature, from its origin, by previous generations. Gender roles (a set of conforming rules that say how a person should behave based on their gender) can be harmful to both men and women. During Odysseus' stay on Scherie, Demodocus performs three narrative songs. … 27. After recovery from a disease, some of the immune cells will "remember" these microbes. Why Is Email Important? Vaccination is an important part of public and family health. LOGIN TO VIEW ANSWER. WILL NAME BRAINLIEST Explain why the figure of the bard, Demodocus, is important. Other places that show issues locally is directly with Trust pilot ...name of company etc. Here’s why design is important: great design makes it easier for customers to use your website, attracts the right people to your brand, and conveys your brand values in a matter of seconds. You can refuse to use cookies by setting the necessary parameters in your browser. How does the bard (aoidos) Demodocus on Scheria compare and contrast with the bard Phemius on Ithaca (book 1.163, 342-373)? Hephaestus sets up an inescapable trap over his bed. Don’t spend it doing things that aren’t going to add to your life. 2. Not only is it necessary for survival in the world of schools and (later on) universities, but in adult life as well. 5. How does the rudeness of Euryalus … Why is music important to human beings? That’s why it’s important to celebrate festivals so that the devils, monsters, and bad people in the society or inside us got an education, fear, and a sense of God. More than four million people are in it, usually discussing stocks and shares and where they're going to invest money. You will receive an answer to the email. Most of us think we know the answer—but we’re almost always wrong. During the feast Demodocus sings about the disagreement between Odysseus and Achilles at Troy. Achilles (uh-KILL-eez) Achilles was the greatest fighter of the Greeks besieging Troy. 6. That is why it is extremely important that your company is making the right training investments. Yet an east Aegean environment is suggested for the main author of the Iliad by certain local references in the poem; that is, to the peak of Samothrace just … emma_thompson. You might have … Only Alcinous noticed Odysseus' weeping and stopped the feast and suggests that everyone go outdoors to participate in athletic contests. Using  List clearly the things the date and place of the event the issue derived from as a way to connect the receivers understanding. During Odysseus' stay on Scherie, Demodocus performs three narrative songs. They are fighting to the death, and the winner will lead the pack. Thoughtful, professional web design gives a company’s customers a better experience, and what’s good for your customers is good for your business. 8. Or, when would your audience apply the information you’re providing? Explanation: In Homer's "The Odyssey," , Demodocus is a blind poet or storyteller who often visits the court of … Instead of further competitions, though, why not enjoy activities the Phaeacians excel in, such as ''feasting, harpers, and the grace of dancing choirs.'' 2. Why are the stories Demodocus tells important to the story? Only Alcinous notices his tears, and he asks the bard to stop singing. 17 terms. 26. Why Education is Important Quotes: 1. This time he sang of the love between Ares and Aphrodite. Demodocus is a poet who often visits the court of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians on the island of Scherie. People do not have to slog as much as they would have had to, if not for technology. What athletic events are included in the Phaeacian games? Aided by the god Apollo, Trojan … With automation come efficiency and speed. Why are certain people so incredibly great at what they do? What a loaded question! 121 terms. Forests are our land’s trees and plants that cover a third of the earth’s surface symbolized by the color green in the common definition of environmentalism. Odysseus cries to hear the tale. 1 See answer 24fkoning is waiting for your help. With more than 29% of all VPN users streaming Netflix each month, it brings up important questions over the legalities of accessing their content using such services. Elpenor is the guy who wandered up to Circe's roof and fell to his death before the men departed. Trevor: 01:16: So the full title of it is the Automated Accessibility Testing of Dynamic Web Content. Explain why the figure of the bard, Demodocus, is important. La Sagrada Familia has been in construction for over 133 years. There are many, many reasons why learning a new language is a good idea. Why Is the Ozone Layer Important? It helps you to become a better listener. Discover why teaching English is so important and improve your English teaching skills with specially created free online courses. We value biodiversity for many reasons, some utilitarian, some intrinsic. Demodocus is a poet who often visits the court of Alcinous, king of the Phaeacians on the island of Scherie. Why Intonation is So Important: We Communicate Meaning Through Tone of Voice in American English Ready to start working on your intonation? And that’s exactly why technology is so important today and will always be. The ozone layer is important because it filters harmful ultraviolet radiation as it travels from the sun to the surface of the Earth. The most concrete piece of ancient evidence is that his descendants, the Homeridae, lived on the Ionic island of Chios. What or who does he represent? Demodocus first appears at a feast in the hall of Alcinous, after he approved that Odysseus should be provided with a ship for a safe passage home. Why are Forests Important? Homer is the presumed author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, two hugely influential epic poems of ancient Greece. His mother, a goddess, had made him invulnerable, either by holding him in a fire as an infant or dipping him in the River Styx. During Odysseus' stay on Scherie, Demodocus performs three narrative songs. He begins sobbing. a. ennui, french b. ciao, italian c. dogged, english d. nacht, … The carbon cycle can take millions of years before completing one sequence. What would make someone want to read or watch your content or refer back to it? However, according to Unicode.org people speak in English live in countries that make up 29.3% of the words GDP. Getting work experience is an important part of starting your career as a young adult. Why Is Biodiversity Important? 1. Malcolm X. Demodocus (dee-MAH-duh-cus) blindness Legend has it, of course, that Homer himself was blind. Why is biodiversity necessary for the stability of the planet? In the Odyssey by Homer, the blind poet Demodocus sings for the Phaeacian royal court about the war in Troy. Why is volunteering important? Use blue/black ink and make your responses legible. Big Business. Final Coursework Exam. Do you know the better answer! Reading books increases your knowledge and makes you smarter. By Staff Writer Last Updated Mar 29, 2020 8:36:34 AM ET. Spend it on things that are going to help you and your family live the life of your dreams. From bridging communication gaps, opening inexhaustible global sources of information to running learning and management software tools for businesses, monitoring diet, health, finance, studies with simple apps, Smartphones do it all. So why are they important for fluency? The bard Demodocus describes how the wooden horse full of Achaean soldiers secretly entered Troy, and how the Achaeans burst from the horse and defeated the Trojans; the bard mentions the particular courage of Odysseus and Menelaus. emma_thompson. Why is GDPR So Important? What is Odysseus' reaction when ever Demodocus sings about the Trojan War? The project, which is expanded and maintained by a community of volunteer editors using a wiki-based editing system, is the largest general reference work on the Internet and one of the 15 most popular websites as ranked by Alexa Internet; in … But how exactly is biodiversity so important to humanity? Find your objectives. journalism is the gathering, organizing, and distribution of news -- to include feature stories and commentary -- through the wide variety of print and non-print media outlets. We use cookies to give you a better experience. Odysseus uses his purple mantle to cover his head for he didn't want the phaecians to see him crying. Yet it is not sufficient to study performance and contextuality without an understanding of the tradition underlying … Write about the topic in an unemotional way. So, a, a, a poet after dinner will listen to requests, will tell episodes from great … Feminism allows equal opportunities for both sexes. Submit your answer. Why does Odysseus weep when he hears the stories? After all, if this statistic is accurate, we are potentially talking about tens of millions of individuals who could be regularly committing an online offense. Or, what’s the purpose of what you’re communicating? The climate summit of Madrid appears omnipresent these days in all media and social networks. A baby requires 9 month of uterine environment for optimal health. Demodokos actually sings three songs if you read Odyssey 8 carefully. He enjoys it with everyone else. Test your knowledge Take the Books 7-8 Quick Quiz. Equally concerned with content has been analytical criticism which claimed to find in Demodocus' song an independent … Why Did English Become Important? Be careful of how much time you waste. 4. She gave him a divine gift of song but took his sight. Reasons why learning English is so important and useful, English is widely spoken globally and has become the number 1 business language making it vital for many people to learn if they are to join a global workforce, it is vitally important for international business and commerce

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